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Activity of auxiliary services in archiving

Auxiliary services are the services of selection, conversion, arrangement, demolition, provision of safe facilities and other services which are not the services of storage and collecting.

Auxiliary services include:

  • collection of documentary material in a digital format,
  • collection of documentary material in a physical form,
  • conversion of documentary material from the physical into digital format,
  • conversion of documentary material from digital format in the format for long-term storage,
  • arrangement or selection of documentary material in a digital format,
  • arrangement or selection of documentary material in physical format,
  • disposal of documentary material in digital format,
  • disposal of documentary material in physical format,
  • provision of safe facilities for the storage of material in digital format,
  • other services that in any way interfere with the integrity, security or authenticity of the documentary material. 

Provider of auxiliary services must carry out the services as a good expert, according to the regulations and uniform technological requirements, and protect the documentary material and its integrity, security and authenticity.

Applies for SKD:

  • Archive activities S91.120


  • Registration and appropriate status form are required in order to pursue the activity. 

    The provider of services is a legal or natural entity who provides the services of collection, storage and auxiliary services to other natural or legal entities. 

    The provider of services must fulfil general conditions:

    • he must be registered with the competent court or other authority;
    • must not be a party to initiated compulsory settlement, bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, other proceedings the consequence or purpose of which is the termination of the providers operation; the operations of the provider are not managed by the special administration or that no other proceedings are initiated which are similar to the foregoing proceedings as per the regulations of the country where the provider has his head office;
    • he is not convicted res judicata for an offence related to the bribery and the conviction is not yet deleted;
    • he is economically and financially solvent;
    • that no serious professional error was proven to the provider in the field related to the services of storage and auxiliary services.


    • Extract from the Business Register (AJPES) the competent authority acquires it ex officio.

    Legal basis

  • The national archives manage a public online and freely accessible register of providers of equipment and services that comprises the basic data on the providers of equipment and services:

    • company name,
    • head office and contact data of the provider,
    • offered service or equipment,
    • date and registration decision number.

    Data in the register are stored permanently. The register is available to the public via the internet and free of charge. The Archives of the Republic of Slovenia publish the register on their website in the single use form.

    The request for the registration of the future provider of hardware and software or services for the collection and keeping of documentary and archived materials in digital form or auxiliary services is filed at the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia on the prescribed form for the request for registration of the provider of equipment and services in person, by post or electronically via the online application.

    The latter enables the preparation of a draft and the submission of the request. Based on the application, the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia verify if the application is complete and they issue an administrative decision to order the entry of the provider in the register of providers of equipment or services for the collection and keeping of material in digital form.


  • Preparation for collection and storage of collection includes:

    • preliminary research;
    • analysis of business activities;
    • determination of storage requirements; assessment of the existing systems;
    • planning of storage and
    • establishment of information system for storage.

    A preliminary research comprises the findings regarding the mission of the organisation, internal organisation, business and legal matters and key impacts or areas of risks for storing the documentary and archive material. A preliminary research is prepared to determine the scope of research, collect and appropriately document the information from various sources and prepare the report on the findings of the preliminary research.

    On the basis of the findings of the preliminary research, the analysis of business activities is carried out which includes the list of individual business activities and necessary sources of documentary material. The eligibility study or the feasibility study of electronic storage is also prepared in the analysis of business activities regarding the increased scope of the material, special important material or on the basis of the professional instruction of the competent archive.

    On the basis of the findings of the preliminary research and analysis of business activities, the requirements are determined regarding the preparation and storage of documentary and archive material for the needs of documenting the operations of organisations pursuant to the applicable regulations and business needs.

    The assessment of the existing systems must comprise the assessment of the conformity of the existing information systems for storage and other information systems with the established needs and requirements for storage. The assessment is prepared by initially listing the existing information systems in the organisation followed by the assessment whether or how are the needs and requirements fulfilled as well as the preparation of written evaluation of the established advantages and disadvantages of the existing systems and methods of work. The analysis of risks and measures for their reduction is also prepared in the assessment regarding the increased scope of the material, special important material or on the basis of the professional instruction of the competent archive.

    The planning of storage and establishment of information system for storage comprises determination of measures and activities and necessary information and other solutions required to eliminate the established deficiencies and to provide the conformity with the established needs and requirements regarding the electronic storage. The planning must include a review of available measures and solutions, selection of the most suitable measures and solutions for the analysis of their advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats in the specific case and the preparation of the action plan and project documentation for the organisation of electronic storage and establishment of information system for storage.

    Legal basis

  • Internal rules are rules adopted by an entity as an internal act with regard to the collection and long-term archiving of documentary and archive materials in digital form as well as auxiliary services, or adopted by a services provider with regard to the collection and long-term archiving or auxiliary services. 

    Internal rules on the keeping of documentary materials must contain at least:

    • the provisions on internal organisation, roles and authorisations as well as the number, structure and qualifications of staff;
    • the provisions on managing documentary materials;
    • the provisions on archive IT system that comprise the basic technical and procedural features as well as data on the level of safety and reliability of infrastructure;
    • the provisions on periodical modification and supplementation of internal rules as well as their validity.

    Internal rules on keeping archived materials must, besides the elements from the previous paragraph, comprise at least:

    • additional provisions on staff and the IT system for archiving materials;
    • additional provisions on the collection and conversion of archived materials;
    • additional provisions on the conversion and long-term archiving of material;
    • the provisions on ensuring continued operations or the protection of archived materials and their delivery to competent archives;
    • the provisions on delivering archived materials and the cooperation with the competent archives.

    If the provider of collection and archiving in electronic form files a request for the confirmation of internal rules, the provider must be registered at the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and in the register of providers.

    The request for the confirmation of internal rules is filed at the Archives of the RS on a prescribed form of the request for the confirmation of internal rules in person, by post or electronically via an online application.

    The request for the confirmation of sample internal rules is similarly filed at the Archives of the RS on a prescribed form of the request for the confirmation of sample internal rules. The request must also contain sample internal rules in electronic form for long-term archiving purposes. 

    If the Archives of the RS establish that the provided internal rules are in accordance with the rules and uniform technological requirements, the delivered internal rules are confirmed and entered in the register of confirmed internal rules.

    When the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia establish that the request for the confirmation of sample internal rules comprises all prescribed elements in full and the sample internal rules have been delivered in accordance with the law, regulations and uniform technological requirements, the delivered sample internal rules are confirmed and entered in the register of confirmed internal rules and the entire content of rules is published. 

    The request must in electronic form comprise all documentation to which the request refers. Individual attached documents should contain data on the date of confirmation, the confirming authority and the version. The reference field must determine where in the document is the text for which it applies that it is the appropriate answer for the selected request. Reference should refer at least to the page, chapter, article number or page.


  • A professional archive worker is employed with the provider of services which must employ at least three persons with high education of the first degree, of which at least two persons must have high education of the first degree in the technical, organisational, information or related field as per the regulations governing the high education, while at least two persons must also have two years of work experience in the field of storing of documentary materials in digital form.

    In addition, professional archive workers must also have special professional knowledge in the field of archival profession proven with the passed examination and submission of evidence about the passed additional trainings.


  • The provider of services must employ a university graduate in law or a graduate of a second level study programme in the field of law, or conclude an appropriate consulting contract with him as per regulations governing the high education.

    In addition, a graduate in law must also have special professional knowledge in the field of archival profession proven with the passed examination and submission of evidence about the passed additional trainings.


    • evidence of education;
    • evidence of completed additional trainings,
    • evidence on the passed test on professional qualification

      Legal basis

    • The providers of services involving the collection and keeping of documentary materials in digital form and the providers of auxiliary services must protect the archived materials in digital form; therefore, they must only use equipment and services certified at the national archives.

      Certification is a procedure used by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia to acknowledge the conformity of the offered equipment or electronic storage services with the valid regulations. Equipment or services certification enables providers to operate with the public sector, at the same time, their users are guaranteed increased safety in the use of equipment and services.

      The services of keeping archived material in digital form and auxiliary services in connection with the services of keeping archived materials in digital form for public entities and archives can be performed only by the provider who is accredited at the national archives.

      The national archives conclude a contract on certification with the provider, thus regulating the relationship between the national archives and the provider of services in accordance with the general conditions for certification, determined by the national archives.

      In the process of certification, the national archives verify the conformity of equipment and the services of collection, keeping and auxiliary services with legal requirements and in case the conformity is established, they certify the provider's equipment or service and enter it in the register of certified equipment and services.

      The request may be submitted only by providers who are already entered in the register of providers of equipment and services.

      The request for certification of hardware and software, the collection and keeping of materials in electronic form and auxiliary services is filed at the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia on the prescribed form for the certification of equipment and services for digital archiving in person, by post or electronically via the online application.

      The request must contain the following data:

      • the title or personal name of the applicant,
      • head office or address of permanent residence of the applicant, identification number,
      • postal address,
      • e-mail,
      • website (if available),
      • telephone number,
      • fax number,
      • data on the type of equipment or services,
      • name of service/equipment as is entered in the register of providers of equipment and services,
      • description of equipment or service,
      • completed final version of the Uniform technological request version 2.1 for verifying the conformity of equipment or services with legal regulations that is published on the website of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.

      Certification fees are:

      a) Fee for accreditation is the cost of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia for managing the accreditation procedure and differs with regard to the type of equipment or service:

      • certification of individual series or unit of hardware: EUR 300;
      • certification of infrastructural software: EUR 500;
      • certification of applicative software that ensures only a certain functionality of the protection of documentary and archived materials in digital form: EUR 500;
      • certification of applicative software that ensures a comprehensive set of functionalities of the protection of documentary and archived materials in digital form: EUR 2,000;
      • certification of collection and archiving service: EUR 2,000;
      • certification of auxiliary service: EUR 500.

      b) Costs of procedure are costs that the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia or their external authorised advisor incur during the procedure or due to the certification procedure, and are carried by the provider. The costs of procedure are charged at each certification procedure separately. They are determined in the contract that is concluded for the purpose of certification procedure, i.e. between the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia or their external authorised advisor during the procedure or due to the certification procedure, and are carried by the provider.

      The request must in electronic form comprise all documentation to which the request refers.

      Individual attached documents should contain data on the date of confirmation, the confirming authority and the version. The reference field must determine where in the document is the text for which it applies that it is the appropriate answer for the selected request. Reference should refer at least to the page, chapter, article number or page.


    • The provider of services must protect the data as a good expert and secure them physically and electronically. The provider's facilities and infrastructure must be electronically and physically protected against the unauthorised accesses.

      The provider of services must ensure a proper physical protection of its hardware and the supervision of the physical access to its information system for storing. The provider's information and communication infrastructure connected to other information and communication networks must be protected with reliable protection mechanisms that prevent unauthorised accesses through this network and limit the access only via protocols necessary for the storage of data, whereas all other protocols must be disabled. 

      The provider's information system for storage must include only hardware and software required for the storage and must integrate adequate protection mechanisms that prevent the employees to misuse it and enable a clear separation of the tasks into different areas. 

      The data of the provider that affect the reliability and security of the provider's operation must not leave the system in an uncontrolled way that could endanger the operation.

      The provider of services must carry out regular security checks of its infrastructure every working day. 

      At least two employees of the provider must at the same time manage the sensitive elements of the provider's information system for storage. 

      In addition, the provider must also ensure safe storage of at least two copies of the data at two geographically distant locations from the main location to prevent the loss of data or to prevent the use of unauthorised persons.

      Persons permanently employed with the provider must not, apart from their own work, carry out the same or similar works with other persons as they carry out at their posts, if these persons are not persons who are capital-wise related to the provider or this performance of works is not explicitly contractually agreed upon between the provider and the other person, or conduct works which are incompatible with their tasks and responsibilities with the provider.

      A person who is permanently employed with the provider may nevertheless conduct an independent scientific or pedagogic works, works in cultural, art, sport, humanitarian or other similar societies and organisations and works in the field of publication.

      The provider must prepare a special record on all initiated authorisations and all proceedings used for establishing its information system for storage. 

      The provider must keep one or several separate records in a written form, where all the data prescribed by this regulation as well as other data on the proceedings and interferences in the infrastructure that affect the reliability of the operation of the provider must be entered.

      Legal basis

    Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

    Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.