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State portal for business entities

Informative Notice

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Activity of electricity market operator

The activity of electricity market operator is a mandatory public utility service. The electricity market operator enables all participants on the electricity market to actively operate.

The tasks of the public utility service include:

  • managing the balance scheme for the electricity market;
  • keeping a record of contracts on membership in the balance scheme, operational forecasts and closed contracts;
  • managing the electricity balancing market;
  • implementation of activities of the Centre for RES/CHP support;
  • implementation of balance calculation;
  • implementation of calculation and settlement of deals related to the tasks referred to in the previous indents;
  • collection, analysis and publication of data for the purpose of ensuring the transparency of electricity market operations.

It is necessary to be registered and obtain a concession in order to perform the activity of the electricity market operator.

Applies for SKD:

  • Trade of electricity D35.150
  • Activities of brokers and agents for electric power and natural gas D35.400


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity