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Activity of supplying the equipment for archiving

The activity of supplying the equipment for archiving includes the supply of hardware and software.

Hardware or software is any hardware or software which wholly or partially provides the collection or storage of material in a digital format or the implementation of auxiliary services.

Before conducting the activity, the entry in the register of the providers of equipment and services is required as well as adequate equipment must be ensured and the certificate of the equipment and services must be acquired.

Applies for SKD:

  • Archive activities S91.120


  • Applicants who wish to pursue this activity must register the business activity, and have the appropriate legal status.

  • The national archives manage a public online and freely accessible register of providers of equipment and services that comprises the basic data on the providers of equipment and services:

    • company name,
    • head office and contact data of the provider,
    • offered service or equipment,
    • date and registration decision number.

    Data in the register are stored permanently. The register is available to the public via the internet and free of charge. The Archives of the Republic of Slovenia publish the register on their website in the single use form.

    The request for the registration of the future provider of hardware and software or services for the collection and keeping of documentary and archived materials in digital form or auxiliary services is filed at the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia on the prescribed form for the request for registration of the provider of equipment and services in person, by post or electronically via the online application.

    The latter enables the preparation of a draft and the submission of the request. Based on the application, the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia verify if the application is complete and they issue an administrative decision to order the entry of the provider in the register of providers of equipment or services for the collection and keeping of material in digital form.


  • The providers of services involving the collection and keeping of documentary materials in digital form and the providers of auxiliary services must protect the archived materials in digital form; therefore, they must only use equipment and services certified at the national archives.

    Certification is a procedure used by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia to acknowledge the conformity of the offered equipment or electronic storage services with the valid regulations. Equipment or services certification enables providers to operate with the public sector, at the same time, their users are guaranteed increased safety in the use of equipment and services.

    The services of keeping archived material in digital form and auxiliary services in connection with the services of keeping archived materials in digital form for public entities and archives can be performed only by the provider who is accredited at the national archives.

    The national archives conclude a contract on certification with the provider, thus regulating the relationship between the national archives and the provider of services in accordance with the general conditions for certification, determined by the national archives.

    In the process of certification, the national archives verify the conformity of equipment and the services of collection, keeping and auxiliary services with legal requirements and in case the conformity is established, they certify the provider's equipment or service and enter it in the register of certified equipment and services.

    The request may be submitted only by providers who are already entered in the register of providers of equipment and services.

    The request for certification of hardware and software, the collection and keeping of materials in electronic form and auxiliary services is filed at the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia on the prescribed form for the certification of equipment and services for digital archiving in person, by post or electronically via the online application.

    The request must contain the following data:

    • the title or personal name of the applicant,
    • head office or address of permanent residence of the applicant, identification number,
    • postal address,
    • e-mail,
    • website (if available),
    • telephone number,
    • fax number,
    • data on the type of equipment or services,
    • name of service/equipment as is entered in the register of providers of equipment and services,
    • description of equipment or service,
    • completed final version of the Uniform technological request version 2.1 for verifying the conformity of equipment or services with legal regulations that is published on the website of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.

    Certification fees are:

    a) Fee for accreditation is the cost of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia for managing the accreditation procedure and differs with regard to the type of equipment or service:

    • certification of individual series or unit of hardware: EUR 300;
    • certification of infrastructural software: EUR 500;
    • certification of applicative software that ensures only a certain functionality of the protection of documentary and archived materials in digital form: EUR 500;
    • certification of applicative software that ensures a comprehensive set of functionalities of the protection of documentary and archived materials in digital form: EUR 2,000;
    • certification of collection and archiving service: EUR 2,000;
    • certification of auxiliary service: EUR 500.

    b) Costs of procedure are costs that the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia or their external authorised advisor incur during the procedure or due to the certification procedure, and are carried by the provider. The costs of procedure are charged at each certification procedure separately. They are determined in the contract that is concluded for the purpose of certification procedure, i.e. between the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia or their external authorised advisor during the procedure or due to the certification procedure, and are carried by the provider.

    The request must in electronic form comprise all documentation to which the request refers.

    Individual attached documents should contain data on the date of confirmation, the confirming authority and the version. The reference field must determine where in the document is the text for which it applies that it is the appropriate answer for the selected request. Reference should refer at least to the page, chapter, article number or page.


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.