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Archaeological research
Archaeological research refers to works interfering with archaeological remains or archaeological heritage due to their protection and which are used to establish their authenticity, study their parts or acquire the data on their existence, importance, state and endangerment.
The research includes field and post-excavation or post-fieldwork procedures for the preparation of the final expert report on the research and the handover of the archive of the archaeological site to the authorised museum.
With regard to the way of interference in the archaeological remains, the research is divided into non-invasive, low-invasive and invasive research:
- the non-invasive research is research which physically do not interfere with the archaeological remains or does not change them;
- low-invasive research only partly interfere with the archaeological remains and does not change them;
- invasive research interfere physically with the archaeological remains and change or remove them.
Applies for SKD:
- Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities N72.200
Registration and appropriate status form are required in order to pursue the activity.
The researcher is a legal or natural entity that pursues the services in conducting research as an economic or non-economic activity.
- Extract from the Business Register (AJPES) the competent authority acquires it ex officio.
Legal basis
Administrator of Legislation
Ministry of Culture
Maistrova ulica 10
1000 Ljubljana -
Cultural protection approval which permits the research and removal of an archaeological remain may be issued only under the condition that such research and removal be supervised by the institute and executed by a person with the technical competence to carry out archaeological researches.
The approval for research and removal is issued by the Ministry of Culture. The research and the removal are supervised by a competent organisation.
The approval also confirms the removal if the approval orders the person to implement a countervailing measure.
The countervailing measure shall be, in terms of its effect, proportional to the significance of the archaeological remains the removal of which is permitted.
The application for the issue of the approval is filed by the contracting authority or the researcher files it at the ministry according to the authorisation of the contracting authority. Prior to the issue of the approval for the research and the removal of archaeological remains, the application is considered by the Expert Committee for Archaeological Research which also issues a preliminary opinion.
In its opinion, the Commission assesses the reasons for the implementation of the research, the suitability of qualification and structure of the research group and the suitability of proposed research procedures.
The Ministry of Culture issues an approval for a research, if:
- there are findings or material evidence or indirect indicators that archaeological findings are on a specifiable area, in the ground or in the water,
- the implementation of the research is founded, and the commission provides its preliminary opinion on this matter under the condition that
- the research is supervised by an institution or performed by a person professionally qualified for the implementation of archaeological research.
The researcher must provide personnel, equipment and means that enable the implementation of the research as per expert standards of research and which are intended for:
- spatial or other measurements, visual and written documenting;
- temporary storage and processing of the archive of an archaeological site;
- provision of health and safety at work;
- protection of the area of research and archive of research against stealing and all harmful effects that may be foreseen.
The facilities provided by the researchers for the temporary storage of archaeological findings must comply with the following minimum climate standards:In terms of light-sensitiveness, the following conditions shall be provided for the material during the storage:
- the material with low level of light-sensitiveness:recommended illumination up to 200 lx, permitted annual quantity of absorbed light up to 84,000 lx·h;
- the material with medium level of light-sensitiveness: recommended illumination up to 50 lx, permitted annual quantity of absorbed light up to 42,000 lx·h;
- the material with high level of light-sensitiveness: recommended illumination up to 50 lx, permitted annual quantity of absorbed light up to 12,000 lx·h;
- the material non-light-sensitive: without limits.
The total UV-radiation of the material for the material with low level of light-sensitiveness shall not exceed 0.4 micro W/cm2 and for material with high level of light-sensitiveness the value must not exceed 0.1 micro W/cm2.The permanent humidity of 55% or between 45% and 60% of relative humidity with minimum fluctuation shall be provided for the the combined collection.
The temperature is controlled in relation to the humidity and adapted to human well-being. Winter and summer levels may be different due to the economy:
- in winter: 19 °C +- 1 °C;
- in summer: 24 °C +- 1 °C.
There shall be no sudden fluctuation of temperature within this range.The same values as for the protection of human health apply in regard to the air and noise pollution and vibrations.
The premises must also comply with regulations governing the construction of facilities, fire safety, health safety and safety at work as well as environmental protection.
Legal basis
The researcher shall also employ a person responsible for:
- comprehensive organisation and implementation of the research;
- protection of the area of research and the archive of archaeological site against theft and all harmful effects that could be predicted;
- arrangement of the location or area of research and control of the implementation of the research;
- suitable temporary storage of the archive of archaeological site;
- hand over of the archive of the site to the competent museum within a specific deadline.
Legal basis
An authorised person who conducts the research shall, upon conclusion of the works or at least once a year until 31 March of the current year, provide the institute with a complete report on the progress and results of the research.
The requirements for reporting on the research of archaeological remains are determined in the approval of the research.