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Brokerage services

Brokerage services include the implementation of orders for the account of clients, the management of financial instrument portfolios, and the provision of advice regarding investments, i.e. the provision of personal recommendations to clients regarding securities management.

In the Republic of Slovenia, brokerage services may be carried out by brokerage companies that acquire a licence from the Securities Market Agency or banks. A brokerage company may be organised only as public limited liability company, a European public limited liability company or a limited liability company.

Prior to accepting the first order from a client to purchase or sell financial instruments, brokerage companies must conclude a general agreement on brokerage services with this client.

Applies for SKD:

  • Security and commodity contracts brokerage L66.120


  • A brokerage company may pursue those activities for which it has acquired a licence to carry out investment services and transactions. The licence is issued by the Securities Market Agency.

    A special form for filing an application to issue the licence is not prescribed. Applicants merely address the required evidence to the Agency.

    Companies must pay a fee for the licence to be issued. The amount of the fee for the issue of the licence depends on the number of investment services and transactions the company wishes to carry out. Regardless of the number, the fee must not be lower than EUR 800 and no higher than EUR 2,400.

    On the basis of the licence issued, the Agency enters the company in the register of companies with a licence.


  • When a brokerage company receives a licence to carry out investment services and transactions, the company must be suitably registered, i.e. it must enter its establishment or change of activity in the court register.


    Extract from the Business Register (AJPES) – the competent authority acquires it ex officio.

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Cross-border pursuit of the activity may be carried out directly or by establishing a branch office. Prior to commencing direct business or prior to establishing a branch office in a Member State, brokerage companies must notify the competent authority beforehand, and submit a business plan and the required data on the country.