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Court appraisers

The activity of court appraisers includes the preparation of expert opinions and reports at the request of the court on the economic characteristics of matters or rights and assessments of their value or the value of damage incurred if so stipulated by law or if the court assesses that it needs an expert assessment.

The activity of court appraisers is performed by a court appraiser on the basis of a decision on appointing a court appraiser issued bythe minstry responsible for justice.

Applies for SKD:

  • Court bailiffs, arbiters and court experts N69.103
  • Other legal activities N69.109


  • The activity of court appraisers may be performed in three manners, i.e.:

    • a court appraiser occasionally performs work in court and does not perform an independent activity of the same kind at the same time;
    • a court appraiser occasionally performs work in court and performs an independent activity of the same kind at the same time;
    • a court appraiser continuously performs work in court –before doing so, the activity must be suitably registered.
  • Court (or certified) appraisers are appointed for an unlimited time and have the right and duty to provide the court, at its request, with findings on the economic characteristics of things or rights, and on the appraisal of their value or the value of the damage inflicted on such thing or right.

    Appraiser may only be a person. A court appraisalis not binding on the court. In a period of five years, a couert appraiser must attend at least five professional training sessions. If an appraiser does not submit evidence of professional training, or if the Council of Experts for court expert opinions, certified appraisal and court interpretation (herein after: the Council of Experts) deems the submitted confirmations inadequate or insufficient, they may verify the proficiency and practical skills of a certified appraiser in one of the other ways for verifying proficiency under the law governing court experts, certified appraisers and court interpreters which they consider to be the most appropriate.

    The tariff for the evaluation of the work of court appraiser defined in the Rules on court experts,certified appraisers and court interpreters is used to calculate the payment for the work of a court appraiser.


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.