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Distribution of electricity

Distribution of electricity means the management of distribution networks and distribution of electricity received from power plants or transmission networks to final customers.

Distribution networks are operated by the company SODO, sistemski operater distribucijskega omrežja z električno energijo, d.o.o. On the basis of an infrastructure lease contract, the following owners of distribution networks provide services on distribution networks on behalf of SODO, d. o. o.:

  • Elektro Celje d. d.
  • Elektro Gorenjska d. d.
  • Elektro Ljubljana d. d.
  • Elektro Maribor d. d.
  • Elektro Primorska d. d.

Applies for SKD:

  • Distribution of electricity D35.140


  • To pursue the activity, it must be registered as a public utility service.

    Companies provide material public goods to meet the needs of the public if these cannot be met by the market.

    Legal basis

  • Distribution operator activities can be performed by an entity that acquires the concession for the implementation of a public utility service of an electrical energy distribution network system operator from the government. The concession is granted for 50 years and for the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

    The concessionaire acquires exclusive right to implement this public utility service. The concession is granted without a public tender.

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia decides on the selection of the concessionaire with a decision in the administrative procedure. The Government concludes a concession contract with the concessionaire.


  • Distribution operators must own or lease the distribution system.

    If a distribution operator is not the owner of the distribution system or of its part, they must conclude a contract with the owner or another party that manages or disposes of the property which will arrange all issues regarding the use of the system for the execution of the tasks of a distribution operator.

    Legal basis

  • Transmission system operators, and system and distribution operators must prepare a development plan for the system and acquire the consent of the minister responsible for energy. Development plans must be prepared for at least ten years, and must be harmonised with the National Energy Development Plan.

    Operators must adopt development plans for the system every two years.

    A development plan must define main infrastructure for electricity transmission and distribution which must be constructed or reconstructed in the next decade to facilitate reliable supply.


    Ten-year system development plan

    Legal basis

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Cross-border performance of activity is possible if the subject fulfils all the prescribed conditions.