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Education, education updating, and training in culture and art (85.520)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement of an activity are established. 

Regulations and conditions:

  • Organisation and Financing of Education Act

Private kindergartens and schools performing programmes according to special teaching principles must meet the required conditions for facilities in public kindergartens and schools.

Schools and kindergartens that perform publicly valid educational programmes and kindergartens carrying out programmes for pre-schoolers can begin performing educational activities after being entered in the register managed by the ministry competent for preschool education or education. A school is entered into a register if the conditions set forth with regard to facilities and equipment are met, if it has a publicly valid programme and encloses a statement in which it declares that the condition referring to the provision of qualified workers with the required education is also met by the time the activity begins to be implemented.

Professional workers must speak formal Slovene, they must have the appropriate education set forth under the above Act and other regulations and they must have passed a professional certification examination in accordance with the above act.

As a private undertaking, a person may perform educational activities if:

  • they meet the conditions for a kindergarten teacher, a teacher, a counsellor or any other professional worker in a public school,
  • if they actively speak Slovene,
  • don’t have full-time employment, has a permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia,
  • aren’t prohibited from performing such activities by means of a final decision,
  • and are entered into a register kept by the ministry competent for education.
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

Activities/services which are classified in this subclass of the standard classification of activities

Activities/services according to explanations to the standard classification of activities:

This subclass includes education, further education and training in the field of culture and art that is formally organised and takes place in various forms (school, studio, classroom, programme, course), mainly for leisure and personal development. Such education doesn’t lead to a title of vocational/professional education and to
professional/scientific titles.

These include:

  • teaching the piano and other instruments;
  • teaching singing;
  • dance schools;
  • photography courses;
  • drawing schools;
  • plays, etc.

These also include:

  • primary music and dance education in music schools and similar schools.
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Activities/services added under the questions and answers table (SURS):

    • education, further education and training in the field of culture and art that is formally organised in the form of a programme;
    • dance clubs that organise dance training for competitive groups, organisation and participation at local and international competitions, organisation of regular and occasional performances (if the club or association performs the activity only for its own members and organises dance trainings as well as competitions, they are categorised under code 93.120; if they organise dance classes and mostly implement the activity for the market, it is categorised under 85.520):
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Applies for SKD:

  • Cultural education Q85.520

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.