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Energy audit of buildings
An energy audit includes the production of energy certificates and reviews of air-conditioning and heating systems.
Energy certificates are issued by authorised legal entities or individuals. The competent authority authorises a legal entity or an individual who has entered the activity of designing or technical counselling in the court register of legal entities or the Slovenian Business Register and who has ensured the participation of at least one independent expert for the production of energy certificates.
Production of energy certificates and reviews of air-conditioning and heating systems can only be performed by trained experts from the particular field.
Applies for SKD:
- Other engineering activities and related technical consultancy N71.129
Applicants who wish to pursue this activity must register the business activity, and have the appropriate legal status.
Energy card is a public document with data on energy efficiency of a building with recommendations for increasing energy efficiency. Energy card is mandatory for new buildings and existing buildings in case they are sold or rented for more than one year. The energy card can only be produced by an independent expert upon the client's demand. An independent expert is an individual with the acquired licence of an independent professional for producing energy cards.
An expert for inspecting air-conditioning systems is an individual who performs inspections of air-conditioning systems with the purpose of ensuring energy efficiency. The purpose of a regular inspection of air-conditioning systems is the preparation of proposals for increasing energy efficiency of the system or its replacement.
The inspection is separately implemented for each air-conditioning system built in the same building.
The expert performs a visual and functional inspection of the air-conditioning system that encompasses:
- the comparison of data on built-in elements of the air-conditioning system with data from documentation;
- the establishment of the state of the air-conditioning system as a whole and its elements and devices;
- the establishment of the state with regard to regulation;
- the establishment of cleanliness of air-conditioning system elements and
- measurements of temperature and air humidity in one or several selected air-conditioned rooms.
An expert must have a licence for performing the inspections of air-conditioning systems.
An inspection of heating systems can be performed by an independent professional upon the client's demand.
An independent expert is an individual with licence acquired from an independent expert for inspecting heating systems.