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Felling and skidding planning
Guidelines and conditions for pursuing felling and skidding of wood are determined in the decision in the administrative procedure issued to a forest owner by the Slovenia Forest Service. A person responsible for felling and skidding planning plans forest works on the basis of this decision. According to the difficulty of felling and skidding this person must provide adequately qualified staff:
- a planner of felling and skidding in more difficult conditions;
- a planner of felling and skidding in less difficult conditions.
Prior to the implementation of the activity, the registration is required, whereas prior to the start of works the application must be lodged with the competent forestry inspection.
Applies for SKD:
- Other engineering activities and related technical consultancy N71.129
To perform the forestry engineer profession, high professional or university education is required which may me acquired in Slovenia at the Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources at the Biotechnical Faculty. The required level of education is the 6/1 sub-level in the field of forestry. A forestry engineer organises and manages the work at the forestry site and provides the safety at work in forest. A forestry engineer provides forest protection and prepares the tree felling plans.
Acquired level of education.
Legal basis
Administrator of Legislation
Competent Authority
Contractors who perform works must provide that the planning, management and supervision are carried out by workers who have one year of experience with forest works in addition to the appropriate education.
Evidence on work experience is the certificate of the employer or a photocopy of the first page of the employment booklet and the page which states the employment period (also: work contract, reference letter, description of the work, employer's statement, etc.).
Legal basis
Administrator of Legislation
Competent Authority
The contractor shall arrange occupational safety according to the rules on safety and health at work. The examination is taken at the Administration Academy. The applicant applies for the professional examination with the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration at least 45 days before the scheduled examination date, with an application which may also be sent via e-mail: gp.mju(at) The application must also contain a statement on the completed level and programme of education.
Certificate attesting to the successfully completed exam on safety and health at work
Legal basis
Administrator of Legislation
Applicants who wish to pursue this activity must register the business activity, and have the appropriate legal status.
A planner of felling in difficult working conditions or areas with several skidding options, carries out:
- planning of felling,
- organisation of works and
- supervision.
To plan felling and skidding in difficult working conditions, the adequate level of education, suitable work experience, passed safety-at-work course and proper working and protection equipment are required.
To plan felling and skidding in less difficult or stable working conditions, the adequate level of education, suitable work experience, passed safety-at-work course and proper working and protection equipment are required.
Before the first implementation of works in forest, the contractors must submit the competent forestry inspection the evidence on the professional qualification of workers and prove that they comply with the conditions related to the safety at work. On the basis of the application, the competent forestry inspection enters the contractor on the list of contractors of forest works.
Legal basis