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First measurements and operational monitoring of waste water
The polluter or the obliged person is obliged to ensure operational monitoring. The implementation of first measurements or operational monitoring encompasses:
- measuring the flow and watercourse temperature;
- measuring the flow of waste water during sampling;
- sampling of waste water;
- measuring the temperature and pH value of waste water during sampling;
- preparation, transport and storage of samples;
- chemical, biological and eco-toxicological analysis of waste water sample with regard to basic and additional parameters and microbiological sample testing;
- assessment of emissions, emission shares of produced heat and the calculation of annual quantity of waste water and annual quantity of pollutants;
- the calculation of emission factor or the effect of waste water cleaning for an individual parameter, if the limit value is determined for the emission factor of the effect of cleaning waste water;
- the calculation of the annual sum of environment pollution units due to waste water drainage, if this involves a device from which industrial waste water is drained, and the preparation of the report on measurements.
Operational monitoring of waste water can be performed by the person obliged to perform monitoring or a person with the authorisation for the implementation of operational monitoring of waste water.
Applies for SKD:
- Technical testing and analysis N71.200
Applicants who wish to pursue this activity must register the business activity, and have the appropriate legal status.
An authorisation is required for performing operational monitoring of waste waters.
The provider of operational monitoring acquires an authorisation based on the application submitted at the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning. After an administrative and content review, the authorisation to perform operational monitoring of waste waters is issued.
The application for the acquisition of the authorisation to perform operational monitoring of waste waters must contain data on the applicant and the indication of procedures and parameters within the scope of first measurements or operational monitoring.
After the acquisition of the authorisation, the provider of operational monitoring is entered in the register of monitoring providers. The authorisation is issued for a maximum six years.
The authorisation for performing operational monitoring of waste waters can be issued if technical conditions are fulfilled.
An authorised provider of operational monitoring must produce a report on the initial measurements for the implemented initial measurements except for small municipal sewage treatment plants with a capacity of less than 50 PE.
For each measurement site separately, the report on implemented measurements shows the following data on:
- the emissions of substances and calculation of the annual quantity of waste water,
- the calculation of the emission factor or the impact of the waste water treatment for each parameter if a limit is prescribed for the emission factor or the effect of waste water,
- the calculation of the annual sum of units of the environmental impact of waste water discharge in the case of the device from which industrial waste water is discharged.
Report on implemented initial measurements
Legal basis
For implemented periodic or continuous measurements, the authorised provider of operational monitoring must produce a report on implemented periodic or continuous measurements for each year.
For each measurement site separately, the report on implemented measurements shows the following data on:
- the emissions of substances and calculation of the annual quantity of waste water;
- the calculation of the emission factor or the impact of the waste water treatment for each parameter if a limit is prescribed for the emission factor or the effect of waste water;
- the calculation of the annual sum of units of the environmental impact of waste water discharge in the case of the device from which industrial waste water is discharged.
- municipal and common waste water treatment plants until 31st January of the following year and
- for small municipal waste water treatment plants with a capacity of less than 50 PE an evaluation of the operation is prepared.
Report on implemented initial and continuous measurements
Legal basis