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Foreign exchange transactions
Foreign exchange transactions include the purchase and sale of foreign currencies (foreign currency banknotes ad coins), and the purchase of cheques which may be encashed in foreign currencies.
Foreign exchange transactions may be carried out only on the basis of a licence issued by the Bank of Slovenia.
Applies for SKD:
- Security and commodity contracts brokerage L66.120
A company must register in order to carry out its operations. The registration must show that the legal entity has been registered to pursue foreign exchange activity.
In addition to banks and savings banks, foreign exchange transactions may be carried out by other legal entities, sole traders and persons who carry out foreign exchange transactions independently on the basis of a licence from the Bank of Slovenia.
A copy from the court register or a decision on the entry in the Business Register when the applicant is a sole trader.
To carry out foreign exchange transactions, a licence (except banks) must be acquired from the Bank of Slovenia.
To acquire the licence, the documentation and evidence of fulfilment of the conditions must be submitted, and a fee for decision-making on the request must be paid. A special application to acquire the licence is not prescribed. Applicants merely address the written request to the Bank of Slovenia and attach the required evidence.
In addition to the licence, the Bank of Slovenia also issues a label for the foreign exchange office. Following the reception of the label, the foreign exchange office may commence its operations. The label must be placed on a visible spot.
Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity
Foreign exchange transactions may be carried out by foreign exchange offices, banks and savings banks which provide trading services in foreign means of payment, including foreign exchange transactions, pursuant to the act which regulates banking. They may provide cross-border and mutually acknowledged services pursuant to the Banking Act.