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General secondary education (85.310)
This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement and pursuit of an activity are established. |
Regulations and conditions:
Activities/services which are classified in this sub-class of the standard classification of activities:
Activities/services as per the explanatory notes on the standard classification of activities: The English original of NACE Rev. 2 encompasses Class 85.31 - General secondary education activities of institutions implementing programmes in categories/levels 2 Lower secondary education or the second stage of basic education and 3A Upper general secondary education (ISCED 1997). Relating to the that fact nine-year primary school education is compulsory in Slovenia, this category in Slovenia also includes the activity of institutions implementing general secondary education which continues after mandatory primary school education (gimnazija programme; category/level ISCED 3A). These institutions also provide programmes which enable the continuation or completion of general secondary education (programmes of matura course) in another way, which in Slovenia are classified as category/level 4 Post-secondary non-tertiary education (ISCED 1997). Accordingly, Class 85.31 - General secondary education in Slovenia encompasses activities of institutions implementing programmes in suitable categories/levels 3 and 4 (ISCED 1997). These include education whose fundamental objective is preparation for further education, particularly higher education. The main content of education includes theoretical classes providing a broad general education as a joint basis for all fields of study and further life-long education. These include:
Applies for SKD:
- General secondary education Q85.310