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Higher education
Higher education institutions are universities, faculties, academies of art and higher professional education institutions.
A university provides for the development of science and professionalism, and transfers knowledge from multiple scientific or artistic fields or disciplines through faculties, art academies and professional colleges.
A university may directly organise the implementation of scientific research and interdisciplinary study programmes.
A faculty usually performs scientific research and educational activity in the field of one or more related or interconnected scientific disciplines and oversees their development.
An art academy performs mainly artistic and educational activity in the field of one or more related or interconnected artistic disciplines and oversees their development.
A professional college performs an educational activity in the field of one or more related or interconnected professions and oversees their development.
A professional college may also perform research or artistic work if so determined in the articles of association.
In accordance with Article 33 of the Higher Education Act, study programmes leading to a qualification are divided into three groups:
- 1st level:
- higher education professional study programmes,
- university study programmes;
- 2nd level:
- master’s study programmes,
- long non-structured master’s study programmes;
- 3rd level: doctoral study programmes..
Study programmes at the 1st level are undergraduate programmes, while study programmes at the 2nd and 3rd levels are post-graduate programmes.
A higher education institution which wishes to implement state-approved study programmes must acquire a higher education institution accreditation before adopting articles of association; after being registered, it must acquire an accreditation for study programmes, must be entered in the register of higher education institutions, and it must obtain a concession for the performance of public service in higher education.
A higher education institution which does not implement state-approved study programmes may start operating when it adopts a study programme in accordance with its statute and fulfils the conditions on technical equipment, occupational safety and other prescribed conditions.
The language of instruction is Slovenian.
A higher education institution may implement study programmes or their parts in a foreign language under the conditions determined by the statute.
If a higher education institution performs a public service, the following programmes may be implemented in a foreign language:
- study programmes for foreign languages;
- parts of study programmes if guest higher education teachers from abroad participate in their implementation or if a high number of foreign students is enrolled;
- study programmes which are also implemented in the Slovenian language at the higher education institution.
Applies for SKD:
- Third stage of tertiary education Q85.402
Prior to adopting the act on incorporation, the founder must acquire the decision on the higher education accreditation from the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
The competent authority that verifies the fulfilment of conditions for acquiring the accreditation and issuing the appropriate decision is the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Higher education institutions are assessed by fields of work:
- integration in the environment;
- operations of the higher education institution;
- staff, students;
- material conditions;
- quality assurance;
- innovation and developmental goals.
For acquiring the higher education institution accreditation decision, the founder must submit the application at the competent authority.
After receiving a complete application, the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) appoints a group of experts.
The group of experts prepares a report on the fulfilment of criteria for the first higher education institution accreditation in three months from the submission of a complete application.
The report on fulfilling the criteria for the first higher education institution accreditation is sent directly to the Agency's council.
The Agency's council decides on the first accreditation of the higher education institution based on the report of the group of experts within three months after the report is prepared.
In the first accreditation procedure, the Agency's council can:
- award the accreditation of the higher education institution for seven years or
- reject the application for the higher education institution.
In case of rejection of the application for the higher education institution accreditation, the applicant can once again submit the application for the first accreditation of the higher education institution after two years from the receipt of the Agency council's decision.
Higher education institutions are universities, faculties, academies of art and higher professional education institutions.
Higher education institutions may be established by domestic and foreign natural persons and legal entities.
Universities are legal entities. Faculties and academies of art as well as higher professional education institutions and other institutions are established within universities, which are deemed members of universities (hereinafter referred to as ‘members of universities’).
Members of universities have the rights and obligations determined by the Higher Education Act (ZVis), the Articles of Association of universities, and the statute of universities.
When implementing the national higher educational programme for which funds are provided by the Republic of Slovenia, members of universities act in legal transactions with authorisations determined by the Articles of Association and the statute of universities in the name and for the account of universities.
In other cases, members of universities act in legal transactions in their own name and for their own account in accordance with the Articles of Association and the statute of universities.
An international university federation with its head office in the Republic of Slovenia is established on the basis of a written agreement or contract by at least one university established in accordance with this Act that has accredited study programmes in at least three fields according to the ISCED classification, and research activity in at least three fields according to the Frascati Manual, and at least one university with its head office outside the Republic of Slovenia accredited in a country of its head office. Together with the identified universities, an international university federation may also be established by other universities, other university federations or networks, higher education and research organisations with head office in or outside the Republic of Slovenia.
Universities established by the Republic of Slovenia need the consent of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to establish an international university federation.
Faculties and academies of art that are not higher education institutions and higher professional education institutions may be established as independent higher education institutions and are legal entities.
Independent higher education institutions are merged in an association of independent higher education institutions to discuss and harmonise common issues.
An association of independent higher education institutions becomes representative when it includes at least 70 per cent of all independent higher education institutions.
Independent higher education and other institutions may be included in universities as associate members.
Higher education institutions may be established if:
- study fields and science and research or art disciplines have been determined for which the institution is being established; the international ISCED classification has been used to define study fields, while the international Frascati Manual has been used to define science and research fields;
- suitable premises and equipment for the implementation of the programme have been provide;
- higher education lecturers, scientific workers and higher education co-workers required for the implementation of the programme have been ensured.
To establish a university, the conditions for the implementation of study programmes all three cycles must be met, to establish an independent higher education institution – a faculty or an academy of arts – the conditions for at least two cycles must be met, and to establish a higher education institution – a higher professional institution – the conditions for at least the first cycle must be met.
Prior to adopting the Articles of Association, the founder must acquire a decision on the accreditation of a higher education institution from the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Legal basis
- Higher Education Act (ZVis)
- Act Regulating the Sanitary Suitability of Foodstuff, Products and Materials Coming into Contact with Foodstuffs (ZZUZIS)
- Act Amending Certain Acts in the Field of Health (ZdZPZ)
- Hospitality Industry Act (ZGos)
- Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 amended by Regulation (EU) No 652/2014
- Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 amended by Regulation (EU) No 652/2014
- Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 amended by Regulation (EC) No 219/2009
- Rules on the safety of quick-frozen foodstuffs
- Rules on official temperature control of fast frozen food
- Rules setting out the health requirements to be met by workers coming in contact with foodstuffs
- Regulation on coordination of the ministries and their bodies with the responsibilities for food and feed safety, animal health, animal welfare and plant health
- Decree on the implementation of certain Regulations (EC) concerning foodstuffs, hygiene of foodstuffs and official control of foodstuffs
- Decree on biodegradable kitchen waste and garden waste management
- Decree on the management of waste edible oils and fats
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 37/2005 (2005/37)
- Guidance for the implementation of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004 on the hygiene of food of animal origin
- Guidance for the implementation of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs
A higher education institution must submit an application for acquiring the study programme accreditation decision at the competent authority.
After receiving the complete application, the council of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) appoints a group of experts.
In the case of first study programme accreditation, the group of experts inspects the premises where the higher education institution will implement the study programme if this is required for a compete establishment of the current situation.
The Agency council decides on the first study programme accreditation within three months after the expiry of the deadline for sending comments to the report of the group of experts.
The report on fulfilling the criteria for the first study programme accreditation is sent to the council of the Agency and the applicant for potential comments. The applicant can send comments within one month from receipt of the report.
In the first accreditation procedure, the Agency's council can:
- award the accreditation of the higher education institution or study programme for seven years;
- reject the application for the higher education institution or study programme accreditation.
In case of rejection of the application for the study programme accreditation, the higher education institution can once again submit the application for the first accreditation of the study programme after one year from the submission of the Agency council's decision.
Study programmes for teacher education must also fulfil the conditions determined in the Study programme accreditation criteria for teacher education.
Higher education institutions that do not carry out state-approved study programmes may commence work when they adopt study programmes and meet the conditions regarding technical equipment, safety at work and other prescribed conditions in according with their statutes.
Legal basis
A higher education institution can engage a private higher education teacher to implement individual part of the subject or subject area.
A private higher education teacher is a higher education teacher who is elected for this title and entered in the register of private higher education teachers, managed by the ministry competent for higher education.
The dean of a university member has authorisations and responsibilities in accordance with the act of incorporation, is a professional manager of the member of the university and performs the following tasks:
- harmonises education, scientific and research, art and other work;
- cares and is responsible for the legality of work;
- monitors, establishes and assures the quality of the university member, study programmes, scientific and research, art and professional work and the preparation of the annual report on quality (self-evaluation of the member);
- reports to the member's senate and chancellor at least once a year;
- performs other tasks in accordance with the law, other regulations and general acts of the university.
A dean of the university member or independent higher education institution can be appointed if they are employed as a higher education teacher.
A dean of the university member is appointed by the chancellor upon the proposal of the senate or professional council of the university member.
A dean of a higher education institution that is not a member of the university, is a management authority and professional manager of the institution.
The director of a university member has authorisations and responsibilities in accordance with the act of incorporation, is a professional manager of the member of the university and performs the following tasks:
- harmonises education, scientific and research, art and other work;
- cares and is responsible for the legality of work;
- monitors, establishes and assures the quality of the university member, study programmes, scientific and research, art and professional work and the preparation of the annual report on quality (self-evaluation of the member);
- reports to the member's senate and chancellor at least once a year, performs other tasks in accordance with the law, other regulations and general acts of the university.
The director must have at least completed higher education.
The director of a university member is appointed by the chancellor upon the proposal of the senate or the professional council of the university member.
The procedure for prolonging the accreditation of a higher education institution or study programme is initiated with the lodging of the application of the higher education institution and continued with external evaluation; it is concluded with the decision on the prolongation of accreditation.
The higher education institution must lodge the application for the prolongation of accreditation at least one year prior to the expiry of accreditation. If the higher education institution lodges the application in due time under the previous sentence, however, the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education doesn’t decide on the prolongation until the expiry of the accreditation, it is considered that the accreditation remains valid until the new decision on the prolongation of accreditation becomes final.
The higher education institution must lodge the application for the prolongation of accreditation of study programmes at least one year prior to the expiry of the accreditation. If the higher education institution lodges the application in due time under the previous sentence, however, the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education doesn’t decide on the prolongation until the expiry of accreditation validity; it is considered that the accreditation remains valid until the new decision on the prolongation of accreditation becomes final.
External evaluation is performed by a group of experts appointed by the council of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (hereinafter referred to as the Agency).
The group of experts, at least three months from appointment, prepares the evaluation report based on the review of the self-evaluation report of the higher education institution and other documentation, which is determined by the Agency and based on the view of the higher education institution. The evaluation report is sent to the higher education institution which can submit their comments within one month from the receipt of the report. If the higher education institution provides comments on the evaluation report, the group of experts prepares the final evaluation report after assessing the comments, i.e. within one month after receipt of the comments. If the higher education institution doesn’t submit comments to the evaluation report, the report becomes final.
The evaluation report comprises the assessment of fulfilling the criteria for accreditation and an external evaluation of the higher education institution or study programme as well as other elements specifically determined by the Agency's council.
The self-evaluation report of the higher education institution, the final evaluation report of the group of experts and potential comments of the higher education institution to the evaluation report are submitted to the Agency's council within seven days after the preparation of the final evaluation report. Based on received documentation, the Agency's council decides on prolonging the accreditation of the higher education institution or the study programme within three months after receiving the documentation.
In the process of prolonging the accreditation, the Agency's council adopts one of the following decisions:
- it prolongs the accreditation of the higher education institution or study programme for the period of seven years,
- prolongs the accreditation of the higher education institution or study programme for a shorter period that cannot be longer than three years
- or discontinues the accreditation of the higher education institution or the study programme.
The Agency's council prolongs the accreditation of the higher education institution or the study programme for a shorter period of time if it finds any deficiencies in the operations of the higher education institution or in the implementation of the study programme, and determines a deadline for the elimination of deficiencies by the higher education institution. An evaluation is performed again after the expiry of the deadline, based on this evaluation the Agency's council once again decides on accreditation, whereby it can prolong the accreditation of the higher education institution or the study programme for a period of seven years or does not prolong the accreditation of the higher education institution or the study programme.
If the Agency's council does not prolong the accreditation of the higher education institution or the study programme, the validity of accreditation expires at the end of the study year, whereby the decision of the Agency's decision becomes final.
Surplus of revenue over expenses is used to pursue and develop activities.
Legal basis
Higher education institutions must keep suitable records. The content and manner of keeping records is prescribed by Articles 81 to 84 of the Higher Education Act (ZViS).
Legal basis