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Implementation of disinfection, disinsection and deratisation according to the Veterinary Practice Act
According to the Veterinary Practice Act, disinfection, disinsection and deratisation (DDD) are implemented in facilities that enable the raising and accommodation of animals and in other facilities (slaughter establishments, meat, milk, fodder processing plants, animal cadavers assembly facilities and waste collection facilities etc.) and means of transport for animals in order to prevent the spread of infectious animal diseases.
Prior to the commencement of work, the organisation must inform the client on the work process, possible hazards to people, animals and the environment, safety measures and the duration of works or related hazards.
In order to implement DDD, only means that fulfil the conditions as stipulated in the regulation on chemicals and biocides may be used.
Service providers must ensure that they do not endanger their own health and the health of others during the use and handling of hazardous chemicals.
Applies for SKD:
- Veterinary activities N75.000
The veterinary activities of disinfection, disinsection and deratisation (DDD) can be performed by veterinary organisations, the National Veterinary Institute and other organisations that fulfil the prescribed conditions in order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases of animals. In order to perform its activity, an organisation is obliged to acquire the decision of the Veterinary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (VURS) on the fulfilment of prescribed conditions, as well as a concession granted by VURS, which is valid for the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia.
Procedure for establishing the conditions:
the procedure for establishing the completion of conditions is initiated on the demand of the organisation, which is performed by a three-member commission appointed by the general director of VURS. The commission performs an inspection of premises, equipment and means for the implementation of DDD; verifies the completion of HR conditions and provides an opinion regarding the lodged claim, which is the basis for the issue of the decision of the general director of VURS on the fulfilment of prescribed conditions. After acquiring the decision on the fulfilment of conditions, the organisation can apply to VURS' public tender for the allocation of the concession for the performance of veterinary activity DDD.
The state (grantor of concession), as the provider of concessions, grants the concessionaire a license to perform a certain activity, which remains a part of the public veterinary service for a ten-year period.
VURS decides on the selection of the concessionaire by issuing a decision in the administrative procedure. On the basis of the decision on selection, VURS concludes a written contract with the concessionaire, which specifies:
- the activity of public veterinary service performed by the concessionaire;
- veterinarians who will perform individual activities as determined in the contract.
The concessionaire shall be held liable for all damages caused by the concessionaire's employees to users or other persons during the performance, or in connection with the performance, of concession.
The concession is terminated:
- by a withdrawal or
- by termination of the contract
The performance of DDD activities is managed by doctors of veterinary medicine. Work is performed by veterinarians and veterinary assistants (veterinary technician, agriculture and livestock technician, other auxiliary workers) qualified to implement DDD.
An organisation using highly toxic chemicals in accordance with the regulation on chemicals and biocides must ensure the presence of a veterinarian or physician during the performance of work.