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Implementation of occupational medicine

The provider of occupational medicine services is a legal or natural entity who has the permit of the ministry competent for health. Occupational medicine is implemented by the provider of occupational medicine services who, depending on the type of employer's activity and the type as well as the risk level for the occurrence of accidents at work, occupational diseases and work-related diseases, implements especially the following tasks:

  • they cooperate at the implementation of expert bases for the safety certificate;
  • they perform health examinations of workers;
  • they inform workers on risks connected with their job and working environment that can cause functional disorders, diseases or disabilities;
  • they monitor and analyse the situation in connection with occupational diseases and work-related diseases, they discover the causes;
  • they prepare reports for employers with regard to the findings from the analyses of the health of workers, established at health examinations, analyses of functional disorders, accidents at work, occupational diseases, work-related diseases and work disability. Reports must contain proposals for improving the work process with the purpose of supplementing or upgrading the measures in relation to health at work;
  • they cooperate in the process of professional rehabilitation and advise in the selection of other suitable work;
  • they cooperate at the preparation of the employer's plan for first aid and cooperate at the training of workers and employer for general and special first aid measures.

During the performance of their tasks, the occupational medicine services provider cooperates with the worker's medical practitioner and executive authorities of the disability and health insurance due to the exchange of data on the health of workers and assistance in establishing the eligibility to temporary or permanent absence from work and assessment of workforce.

A professional worker, who was authorised by the employer to perform professional tasks of safety and health at work and the occupational medicine services provider, must cooperate at the implementation of safety and health at work tasks.

Applies for SKD:

  • Medical specialists activities R86.220


  • Applicants who wish to pursue this activity must register the business activity, and have the appropriate legal status.

  • Private health activities can be performed by natural or legal entities.

    Private health-care workers who are natural entities acquire the permit with entry in the register of private health-care professionals.

    Private health-care workers who are organised as legal entities, apply for the permit at the Ministry of Health after the registration in the Companies Register.

    They must fulfil the same conditions in both cases, only that legal entities do not fulfil the condition on working relationships.

    The conditions for performing private health-care activities are:

    •  appropriate education and qualification for independent work;
    • not in a working relationship;
    • no final court judgement was issued to them to prohibit the performance of health-care services or profession;
    • they have appropriate premises, equipment and if required by the nature of work, also appropriate staff;
    • they acquire the opinion of the competent chamber or professional association.

    The entry in the register of private health-care workers is performed upon the submission of the application.

    The candidate must attach the following documents to the application for the issue of the permit for performing private health-care activities:

    •  confirmation on the registration of legal entity (decision of the court on the entry of the establishment of the entity in the court register);
    • confirmation that the holder of health-care activities has the required education for performing the envisaged activity and is qualified for independent work (final exam certificate, diploma;
    • confirmation on professional exam, licence), certificate of no criminal record that cannot be older than three months (confirmation that the court has not issued a final judgement to the holder of the health-care activity to prohibit the implementation of health-care services or entry into the profession);
    • legal basis for the implementation of activities with the holder of the health-care activity (employment contract or other legal basis) and the confirmation that the holder of the health-care activity is not in a working relationship;
    • confirmation that appropriate premises and equipment, and if required by the nature of work, appropriate staff are provided (land register extract on the ownership of premises, sales contract or lease contract or the contract on the use concluded with the appropriate health-care institution or other legal or natural entity),;
    • operating permit for the premises where the health-care activity will be implemented (issued by the competent administrative unit) – this appendix is not necessary if option a is circled under item 2 of the application form;
    • the opinion of the competent chamber or professional association for the holder of health-care activity.

    A health-care worker (natural entity) who fulfils the above-mentioned conditions may begin providing private health-care services as of the day of issuing the decision on entry in the register of private health-care workers.

    The entry in the register of private health-care workers is performed upon the application of the individual which must contain:

    •  name and surname, date and place of birth;
    • permanent residence address (place, street and house number);
    • profession or professional education;
    • type of health-care activity which the person wants to perform;
    • the head office or premises where private health-care activities will be implemented, including the description of premises;
    • equipment and staff;
    • knowledge of Slovenian or on bilingual areas, the language of the local nationality.

    The application for the entry in the register of private health-care workers must contain evidence on the fulfilment of all prescribed conditions. The application for the issue of the decision on the entry in the register of private health-care workers must also contain the following documents:

    • certificate of no criminal record that cannot be older than three months (confirmation that the court has not issued a final judgement to the holder of the health-care activity to prohibit the implementation of health-care service or profession);
    • the confirmation that the holder of health-care activity is not in a working relationship – this must be submitted at the start of the implementation of health-care activity at the latest;
    • the confirmation that appropriate premises and equipment, and if required by the nature of work, appropriate staff are provided (land register extract on the ownership of premises, sales contract or lease contract or the contract on the use concluded with the appropriate health-care institution or other legal or natural entity);
    • operating permit for the premises where health-care activity will be implemented (issued by the competent administrative unit) – this appendix is not necessary if option a is circled under item 2 of the application form;
    • the opinion of the competent chamber or professional association for the holder of health-care activity.


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.