Informative Notice
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Implementation of regular and extraordinary certification
The implementation of regular and extraordinary certification is carried out by the Metrology Institute or a legal entity or sole trader appointed by the Institute (hereinafter referred to as ‘appointed person’). The appointed person must prove their competence to operate with a valid accreditation document.
When certifying a measuring instrument, conformity of an individual measuring instrument with regulations and/or the approved type is established.
Regular certification is mandatory for all measuring instruments used and measuring instruments stored for future use. Regular certification of measuring instruments must be provided by their owner.It is carried out within time limits defined for individual measuring instruments.
Extraordinary certification is carried out after the correction or reshaping of a measuring instrument. It is provided by the person who corrected or reshaped the measuring instrument.
Applies for SKD:
- Technical testing and analysis N71.200
Applicants who wish to pursue this activity must register the business activity, and have the appropriate legal status.
The appointed persons pay to the Metrology Institute maintenance costs for the system of appointed legal entities and sole traders.
Maintenance costs for the system of appointed persons are charged to the appointed person in an annual amount determined for the current calendar year in respect of the number of measuring instruments that were certified in the previous calendar year, and of whether certification was carried out in a laboratory or on the spot.
System maintenance costs include the costs of supervision and support infrastructure.
Annual costs for:
- the maintenance of the system: EUR 500.00
- the maintenance of the system – additional areas: EUR 300.00
Legal basis
Administrator of Legislation
The appointed person must:
- meet the requirements for appointment for the duration of the validity of the decision on the appointment;
- carry out procedures to establish conformity of initial verification or verification in accordance with regulations and confirmed procedures;
- act in accordance with best metrology practice (ensure traceable measurement results which is conditioned by the use of traceable and regularly calibrated measuring equipment, defined measurement uncertainty, the use of documented and verified procedures, the management and storage of records of measurements, and the fulfilment of other requirements of the standard on the competence of calibration laboratories) also in the fields of metrology operations outside the scope of appointment;
- act in accordance with best metrology practice (accredited metrology services in the fields where accreditation has been acquired, the fulfilment of all requirements of the standard on the competence of calibration laboratories) also in the fields of metrology operations outside the scope of appointment;
- inform the Institute in writing of all changes (e.g. changes related to the scope of accreditation, certification procedures, equipment and personnel) that could affect its competence, the scope of appointment or organisation;
- regularly enter in the Institute's electronic database records of tall planned and implemented initial verifications and certifications, and other related data in accordance with the instructions of the Institute;
- regularly inform the Institute of training for outsourcers planned in the field of appointment;
- inform the Institute of clients' complaints regarding the activity for which they have been appointed in accordance with the instructions of the Institute;
- follow metrology needs in the Republic of Slovenia and adjust to technical development in the field of appointment;
- participate in verification programmes of professional competence organised by the Institute;
- operate in accordance with the instructions of the Institute.
Legal basis
Administrator of Legislation
Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity
The activity of implementing regular and extraordinary certification does not fall within the Services Directive.
In this case, cross-border pursuit of the activity is not possible. Entities in the Republic of Slovenia may pursue this activity by appointment by the Metrology Institute.