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Implementation of the activities of Active
The activities of Active Employment Policy programmes may be implemented by external contractors listed in the register of external contractors of the activities of Active Employment Policy programmes and to which the contractor of Active Employment Policy measures refers a person from the target group of the Active Employment Policy programme.
The register of contractors is kept by the contractor of the Active Employment Policy measures – The Employment Service of Slovenia - and is available on its web page. The register is kept as a central digitalised base so that all entered data are registered and maintained in it. The register includes the following data:
- name of the external contractor;
- head office of the external contractor;
- registered activity;
- number and date of issuing the decision on entry in the register of external contractors;
- responsible person of the external contractor;
- activities implemented by the external contractor.
The entry in the register is carried out on the basis of the proposal for the entry filed in by external contractor in the contractor of Active Employment Policy measures – the Employment Service of Slovenia The proposal for entry may be filed in on a specially prescribed form which is issued by the Employment Service of Slovenia on its web page together with the appeal and technical specification of services.
The entry of external contractor in the register of external contractors is carried out on the basis of the final decision on the entry issued by the official deciding in the procedure. By entering in the register, the external contractor is recognised with the ability to implement the activities of the Active Employment Policy programmes in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.
The selection of employers which will be included in the implementation of the Active Employment Policy programmes is conducted with the public invitation for bids as per regulations governing the execution of the budget. The procedure of public invitation is managed by the expert commission appointed by the head of the contractor of the Active Employment Policy measures.
The public invitation is issued on the web pages of the contractor of the Active Employment Policy measure – the Employment Service of Slovenia and includes at least:
- name and head office of the contracting entity;
- legal basis for the implementation of the public invitation;
- the subject of public invitation;
- conditions for submitting the tenders;
- criteria for assessing the received tenders;
- amount of means available for the subject of public invitation;
- eligible costs of the employer;
- competences and responsibilities of the employer;
- period of the implementation of activity;
- deadline, within which the offer must be submitted and by which the public invitation is open;
- deadline, within which the contractor of measures must notify the employers that their tender was not selected;
- instructions for the preparation of tenders;
- contact persons who may provide additional information for the tenderers;
- sample of the contract.
The contractor of the Active Employment Policy measures submits the invitation to submit the tender for the implementation of activities to those registered external contractors which carry out the programme of activities in the field, in which the programme or activity will be presumably implemented and which provide the implementation in the requested scope, if this is required for the implementation of the programme or activity.
Expert commissions examine the submitted tenders in the order of their arrival to the consumption of available financial means. The contractor of the Active Employment Policy measures adopts the tender of that employer which fulfils all required conditions and criteria and the tender of which fulfils the requirements of the unemployed persons in the field of their operation.
The agreement may be signed with one ore more contractors which submitted the tender with the lowest price. Together with the notification on the selection within the deadline determined in the public invitation, the awarded employer received also the agreement and the appeal for its signing. If the employer does not respond in eight days from the receipt of the appeal for the signing of the agreement, it is deemed that the employer has withdrawn the tender. The contractor of the Active Employment Policy measures notifies the employers, whose tenders were not awarded with a letter within the deadline determined in the public invitation.
Applies for SKD:
- Activities of employment placement agencies O78.100
- Temporary employment agency activities and other human resource provisions O78.200
- Other human resources provision O78.300
The preliminary registration and selection of appropriate status form is required to pursue the activity.
The external provider is a legal or natural entity registered to pursue the activity in the Republic of Slovenia or other Member State of the European Union, EEA or the Swiss Confederation which shows an interest to pursue the activities of the AEP programme.
- Extract from the Business Register (AJPES) the competent authority acquires it ex officio.
The activities of Active Employment Policy programmes (in continuation: AEP) may be implemented by external contractors listed in the register of external contractors of the activities of Active Employment Policy programmes and to which the contractor of Active Employment Policy measures refers a person from the target group of the Active Employment Policy programme.
The register of contractors is kept by the contractor of the Active Employment Policy measures – The Employment Service of Slovenia and is available on its web page. The register is kept as a central digitalised base so that all entered data are registered and maintained in it.
The register shall contain the following information:
- name of the external contractor;
- head office of the external contractor;
- registered activity;
- number and date of issuing the decision on entry in the register of external contractors;
- responsible person of the external contractor;
- activities implemented by the external contractor.
The entry in the register is carried out on the basis of the proposal for the entry filed in by external contractor in the contractor of Active Employment Policy measures – the Employment Service of Slovenia. The proposal for entry may be filed in on a specially prescribed form which is issued by the Employment Service of Slovenia on its web page together with the appeal and technical specification of services.The entry of external contractor in the register of external contractors is carried out on the basis of the final decision on the entry issued by the official deciding in the procedure. By entering in the register, the external contractor is recognised with the ability to implement the activities of the Active Employment Policy programmes in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.
The selection of employers which will be included in the implementation of the Active Employment Policy programmes is conducted with the public invitation for bids as per regulations governing the execution of the budget. The procedure of public invitation is managed by the expert commission appointed by the head of the contractor of the Active Employment Policy measures.
The public invitation is issued on the web pages of the contractor of the Active Employment Policy measure – the Employment Service of Slovenia and includes at least:
- name and head office of the contracting entity;
- legal basis for the implementation of the public invitation;
- the subject of public invitation;
- conditions for submitting the tenders;
- criteria for assessing the received tenders;
- amount of means available for the subject of public invitation;
- eligible costs of the employer;
- competences and responsibilities of the employer;
- period of the implementation of activity;
- deadline, within which the offer must be submitted and by which the public invitation is open;
- deadline, within which the contractor of measures must notify the employers that their tender was not selected;
- instructions for the preparation of tenders;
- contact persons who may provide additional information for the tenderers;
- sample of the contract.
The contractor of the Active Employment Policy measures submits the invitation to submit the tender for the implementation of activities to those registered external contractors which carry out the programme of activities in the field, in which the programme or activity will be presumably implemented and which provide the implementation in the requested scope, if this is required for the implementation of the programme or activity.Expert commissions examine the submitted tenders in the order of their arrival to the consumption of available financial means. The contractor of the Active Employment Policy measures adopts the tender of that employer which fulfils all required conditions and criteria and the tender of which fulfils the requirements of the unemployed persons in the field of their operation.
The agreement may be signed with one ore more contractors which submitted the tender with the lowest price. Together with the notification on the selection within the deadline determined in the public invitation, the awarded employer received also the agreement and the appeal for its signing. If the employer does not respond in eight days from the receipt of the appeal for the signing of the agreement, it is deemed that the employer withdrawn the tender. The contractor of the Active Employment Policy measures notifies the employers, whose tenders were not awarded with a letter within the deadline determined in the public invitation.