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Import and movement of specific harmful organisms, plants, plant products, and controlled items for experimental, research, or development purposes.

A research activity is an activity carried out for experimental, research, or development purposes and for work related to varietal selection.

Research and development activities are carried out by research organisations. Organisations are registered for scientific and research activities or deal with plant health protection or the selection or introduction of new plant species, varieties, lines, and hybrids.

Organisations may also perform research and development activities on material in the field of plant health protection. Material is construed to mean harmful organisms, plants, plant products, and controlled items where the import or movement is prohibited or restricted.

The material includes:

  • harmful organisms from List I (List I.A.I and List I.A.II), from List II (List II.A.I and List II.A.II) , I.B, and II.B,
  • plants, plant products, and controlled items from Lists III (List III.A and List III.B),
  • plants, plant products, and controlled items from Lists IV (List IV.A.I and List IV.A.II and IV.B )

In order to perform research activities on the material, a decision on the approval for the performance of research activities on the material must first be acquired.

Applies for SKD:

  • Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering N72.100

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Uvoz in premeščanje določenih škodljivih organizmov, rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov in nadzorovanih predmetov za poskusne, raziskovalne ali razvojne namene ne sodi v storitveno direktivo. Čezmejno opravljanje dejavnosti v tem primeru ni možno.