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Initial measurements and monitoring of emissions of substances into the air

Initial measurements and monitoring must be provided by the operator of the installations carrying out the activity:

  • energy and mineral extraction,
  • non-metallic mineral extraction, production of glass, ceramics and building materials,
  • production of steel, iron and other metals,
  • production of chemical products, phytopharmaceutical products and refining of mineral oils,
  • surface treatment using organic substances, plastic film production and resin and plastic processing,
  • wood and pulp production,
  • production of food, beer, tobacco, feed and agricultural products,
  • recovery and disposal of waste,
  • storage of chemical compounds and preparations.

Monitoring can only be carried out by a person who is entered in the register of monitoring operators kept by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

Initial measurements and monitoring include:

  • preparation of an air emission measurement plan in accordance with SIST EN 15259,
  • preparation of a sampling strategy and the sampling of waste gases, in accordance with SIST EN 15259,
  • preparation of a plan for recording the operating time of the installation and assessing the annual operating time of the installation,
  • measurement of substance concentration in the waste gases and recalculation the results per unit volume at normal conditions and prescribed content of oxygen in waste gases,
  • measurement and assessment of waste gases parameters and operational parameters,
  • measuring the volume flow of the waste gases and calculating the mass flow rate of the substances in the waste gases, the emission fraction, the emission reduction rate, the fibre content and the emission factor, if a limit value is set for them in the regulations on the emission of substances into the air,
  • assessment of diffused and fugitive emissions of substances into the air,
  • calculation of emission factors, if specified for the installation,
  • preparation of a report on performed measurements of emissions of substances in accordance with SIST EN 15259 and preparation of assessment of the annual emissions of substances into the air.

In the case of emissions of substances from an installation for which compliance with ambient air quality conditions must be demonstrated, the monitoring should also include:

  • determining the annual amount of waste gases and mass flows,
  • assessment of the total and additional ambient air pollution in in the evaluation area of the ambient air pollution due to the emission of substances from the installation,
  • preparation of a report on the estimates of the total and additional ambient air pollution.

If volatile organic compounds or halogenated volatile organic compounds are used in the installation, the monitoring shall also include:

  • determining the annual amount of fugitive and total emissions of volatile organic compounds or halogenated volatile organic compounds,
  • calculation of the mass flow rate of volatile organic compounds or halogenated volatile organic compounds at individual outlets.

Applies for SKD:

  • Technical testing and analysis N71.200


  • Applicants who wish to pursue this activity must register the business activity, and have the appropriate legal status.

  • The authorisation to carry out initial measurements and monitoring of substance emissions into the air, must be obtained for each of the following types of monitoring:

    • carrying out initial or periodic measurements of substance emissions and making an assessment of annual substance emissions into the air,
    • calibration and periodic annual performance testing of the continuous measurement equipment,
    • assessing the total ambient air pollution in the assessment area.

    In order to carry out initial measurements and monitoring of substance emissions into the air, an authorisation must be obtained by submitting an application to the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning. The application for authorisation shall include details of the applicant and the relevant supporting documents according to the type of authorisation the applicant wishes to obtain. After administrative examination of the application, the authorisation to carry out monitoring shall be issued.

    The authorisation shall be valid for six years from the date on which it becomes final and may be renewed if the person still meets the conditions laid down.

    Once the authorisation has been obtained, the authorised monitoring operator is entered in the register of monitoring operators kept by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

    A legal person or an individual entrepreneur authorised by the Ministry to carry out monitoring and a person entitled to carry out monitoring in another Member State may be entered in the register. The latter may be entered in the register on the basis of a certified copy of the act issued to it by the competent authority of the Member State for the purpose of carrying out monitoring.


  • The authorised operator of the monitoring shall prepare initial measurements report and monitoring report in the form specified in SIST EN 15259.

    The monitoring report must contain information on:

    • a report on continuous substance emissions measurements,
    • a report on periodic substance emissions measurements,
    • an assessment of the annual substance emissions into the air,
    • an assessment report on the total ambient air pollution and
    • a report on the assessment of additional ambient air pollution.

    The report on the continuous substance emissions measurements must be prepared by the monitoring operator for each calendar year no later than 10 March for the previous year. The report shall be submitted in writing and in electronic form to the installation operator.

    The report on the periodic substance emissions measurements must be prepared by the monitoring operator and submitted to the installation operator in electronic form no later than 60 days after the measurements have been carried out.

    An assessment of the annual emissions of substances into the air must be prepared by the monitoring operator. It shall be submitted to the operator of the installation for each calendar year no later than 10 March for the previous year. An assessment shall be submitted in writing and in electronic form.

    The report on the assessment of the total ambient air pollution shall be submitted by the monitoring operator to the operator of the installation in writing and in electronic form no later than 10 March of the year following the year for which it was produced.


    Measurements report

    Legal basis

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. You may start performing it after acquisition of a specific permit from Competent authority.

A legal person authorised by the Ministry to carry out monitoring and a person entitled to carry out monitoring in another Member State may be entered in the register of operational monitoring providers.

A person entitled to carry out monitoring in another Member State may be entered in the register on the basis of a certified copy of the act issued to him by the competent authority of the Member State to carry out monitoring.