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Inspection of devices for the application of plant protection products (PPS)
The inspection of devices for the application of plant protection products (PPS) is conducted by authorised device inspectors who fulfil the prescribed conditions to pursue the activity.
Contractors must notify the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection (UVHVVR) and interested public about the planned period of the execution of inspections and location. Contractors must adequately carry out the inspections, issue certificates and confirmations on regular inspections and properly keep records on the inspected devices, issued certificates and confirmations.
Owners of devices must provide that the devices they use are regularly inspected for the safety and protection of health of people and environment.
On the basis of the performed inspection, the certificate on the proper operation and the confirmation sign on the regular inspection is issued for a device fulfilling technical conditions, if it fulfils the requirements related to the proper operation.
Applies for SKD:
- Technical testing and analysis N71.200
The providers of inspections of devices for the application of PPP are selected on a public tender implemented by the competent authority.
A provider must permanently employ a device inspector, must not pursue the activities that are in conflict of interest, provide appropriate facility and technical equipment and inspection equipment.
The selected providers receive a public authorisation for the period of five years. Mutual rights and obligations are stipulated by the competent authority and the provider with an agreement.
The competent authority enters authorised providers of device inspections on the list accessible on the website of the competent authority. The list states the number and date of the decision on the authorisation and the company and head office or personal name and address for a sole trader.
An inspector must notify the competent authority on the planned inspection at least 30 days before the inspection through the information environment provided by the competent authority. Notifications must include the place and location, date and time of the start and the foreseen duration of the inspection of devices.
Legal basis
The inspection of devices must be conducted:
according to the regulations governing technical requirements for products and procedures for establishing conformity along with the application flawless prescribed measuring devices and equipment and according to the instructions on the methods of implementation of the inspection of devices.
In implementing the inspection of devices, guidelines in the user manual of a given device issued by the producer are also observed. After the conducted inspection of device, it is necessary to return the discharged liquid back to the reservoir of the device.
Legal basis
After the successfully conducted inspection of the device, the inspector issues the certificate on the conducted inspection of the device which contains the data from the register of inspected devices. The certificate is valid for the period of three years, or five years for new devices. It is issued in two copies. One copy is kept by the inspector of devices and the other one is received by the owner of the device. The sign on regular inspection consists of three parts and is green in colour. The sign on regular inspection is attached on a device by the inspector of device so as it is visible and legible and must not be damaged, covered, additional overlaid or hidden.
Legal basis
Authorised contractors of inspections must enter the following data in the register of inspected devices:
devices (on the series and type of device, year of production and technical data on the device), producer of the device (name of the producer, serial number of the producer) and owners (personal name or the company of the device owner, address or head office, tax identification number), issued certificates on the proper operation of the device (date and outcome of the inspection, data on the inspection measurements, sequence number and date of issued of the certificate), issued signs on the regular inspections (date of the issue of the sign of the regular inspection), entry (date of entry in the register, personal name of the person entering the data and personal name and address or the company and the head office of the inspector of the device).
The data on the change of the ownership over the device or the change of technical data of the device is also entered in the register. This data must be continually entered or in eight days from the issued certificate and sign or the receipt of the notification on the change of data at the latest. The data from the register of inspected device for the application of PPP are public and available at the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection at the request.
Legal basis
Open section: Close section: Observance of the prescribed costs of the implementation of inspections
The contractor of inspections must observe the minimum costs according to the applicable price list for the calculation of costs of entry of a new device in the register of inspected devices and the costs of inspection of the device. The costs of entry and inspection are borne by the owner of the device. In addition to the labour costs, the price of entry in the register and inspection of devices also includes the issue of the certificate on the proper operation.
Legal basis