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State portal for business entities

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International haulage by road

The activity of international haulage by road is an activity of any company which transports goods by motor vehicle or a combination of vehicles for lease or payment in the Republic of Slovenia.

The right to perform the activity is acquired with a Community licence for which the company must meet the prescribed conditions.

Applies for SKD:

  • Freight transport by road H49.410
  • Cargo handling H52.240


  • A Community licence to perform international road haulage may be acquired by sole traders or legal entities who meet the prescribed conditions to perform this activity.

    An application to acquire a Community licence should be submitted to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia or the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia.

    Within 15 days of receiving a complete application, the licence issuer issues the applicant:

    • a decision on granting the licence to perform transport,
    • a licence certificate and
    • copies of the licence for each individual vehicle.

    A carrier is issued as many copies of the licence as they need to perform road transport and for which they meet the conditions.

    The original of the licence (certificate) is kept at the carrier's head office. During road transport and while driving, drivers must keep a copy of the licence in the vehicle.

    A domestic carrier may begin road hauilage on the day the licence is delivered.


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

The activity of international haulage by road is an activity of any company which transports goods by motor vehicle or a combination of vehicles for lease or payment in the Republic of Slovenia.

The right to perform the activity is acquired with a Community licence for which the company must meet the prescribed conditions.