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Maintenance and installation of equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases or ozone-depleting substances

The installation, servicing, maintenance, repair or decommissioning of equipment, leak checks and the recovery of fluorinated greenhouse gases or ozone-depleting substances from equipment are carried out by an authorised company that is entered in the register of authorised companies for the installation, servicing, maintenance, repair or decommissioning of stationery equipment.

The installation and servicing of equipment containing ozone-depleting substances is no longer permitted as these gases are prohibited. The existing equipment containing ozone-depleting substances can be operated until the end of its lifecycle, in which case it is necessary to perform leak checks in accordance with the law.

If leaks are detected and the device needs to be repaired and refilled with gas, the refrigerant gas must be recovered and delivered to the relevant collector of waste materials. The equipment should be filled with a suitable alternative cooling gas or dismantled and replaced with new equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gas.

The authorised company performs activities on:

  • stationary refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment;
  • stationary fire protection equipment.

On other equipment:

  • refrigeration units of refrigerated trucks and trailers;
  • electrical switchgear;
  • organic Rankine cycles;
  • stationary equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gas-based solvents;
  • air conditioning systems in motor vehicles falling within the scope of Directive 2006/40/EC.

The company that carries out these activities is not entered in the register of authorised companies, however, it must employ a service technician that holds a certificate for the relevant equipment – certificates from categories AIII, AIV, C, D and E.

Equipment maintenance comprises all activities except leak checks and the recovery of fluorinated greenhouse gases or ozone-depleting substances.

The installation of equipment entails joining two or more parts of equipment or circuits that contain or might contain ozone-depleting substances or fluorinated greenhouse gases in order to assemble the equipment at the place of its use.

Applies for SKD:

  • Repair and maintenance of other equipment C33.190


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Services can be provided on a cross border/occasional basis. In Slovenia, maintenance and installation of equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases can be carried out by a company that is registered in the register of authorised companies for the installation, servicing, maintenance, repair or decommissioning of such equipment.

Registration of authorised companies for the maintenance and installation of equipment made in any EU Member State in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2067 for the purpose of the installation, servicing, maintenance, repair or decommissioning of equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases or ozone-depleting substances is recognised in all EU Member States (Article 10 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2067).

Companies from Slovenia that were registered in the register of authorised companies for the maintenance and installation of equipment in Slovenia can provide such services in any EU member State; companies from other EU Member States that were registered in the register of authorised companies for the maintenance and installation of equipment in their respective countries can provide such services in Slovenia. There is no special procedure for the recognition of certificates. Obtaining authorisation is not necessary.