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Maintenance of fire extinguishers

Fire protection tasks encompass the research, training, planning measures for fire protection, supervision, fire insurance, fire fighting, technical supervision of installed fire protection systems, chimney sweeping services, property fire protection etc.

The aim of fire protection activity and measures is to protect people, animals, property and the environment against fire and explosions.

Manual and transport fire extinguishing devices are maintained by natural and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as maintenance services providers) who fulfil the prescribed conditions.

The maintenance services providers who want to maintain fire extinguishing devices lodge an application for the issue of the authorisation for maintaining fire extinguishing devices at the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief.

The maintenance services provider must fulfil the following conditions: 

  • the must be registered for implementing activities encompassing the maintenance of fire extinguishers;
  • they must have at least one repair technician and equipment that is harmonised with the requirements of the fire extinguisher's producer for maintaining a specific type of fire extinguishers and
  • must conclude a contract on the maintenance of fire extinguishers with the producer or producer's representative.

Besides the mentioned conditions, the maintenance services provider must acquire the authorisation from the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief for maintaining fire extinguishers.

After implemented maintenance, the maintenance services provider must equip the fire extinguisher with a visible label that displays the following data: 

  • the address of the maintenance services provider;
  • the type of performed maintenance;
  • the date of performed maintenance;
  • the date of the following maintenance according to producer's instructions;
  • stamp and signature.

This label represents the confirmation on flawless operations of the fire extinguisher. The maintenance services provider must keep special records on which maintenance services provider carried out the maintenance of the fire extinguisher, and the register of inspected fire extinguishers.

The Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief issues an authorisation for maintaining fire extinguishers in an administrative procedure.

The authorisation for maintaining fire extinguishers must indicate the maintenance services provider who maintains fire extinguishers of an individual producer, where the knowledge test was implemented in accordance with the determined rules. The authorisation for maintaining fire extinguishers applies to all types of fire extinguishers of a specific producer.

The authorisation for maintaining fire extinguishers is issued for indefinite time.

Applies for SKD:

  • Repair and maintenance of machinery C33.120

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. You may start performing it after acquisition of a specific permit from Competent authority.