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Management of monuments

A cultural monument shall mean heritage which has been declared a monument or entered in the inventory ledger of an authorised museum.

A site shall mean an area of immovable heritage protected as a monument on the account of its social importance, sympathetic planning and topographical determination. These shall be in particular the areas of settlement heritage, parts of the urban or rural landscape, places of historic events, archaeological sites, or historic parks and gardens.

A management of monument or site shall mean carrying out the tasks necessary for meeting the purpose on the basis of which the item has been proclaimed a monument, and shall include in particular the management and organisation of maintenance, use, accessibility, public presentation, and monitoring of the state.

Management of a monument or site shall be carried out on the basis of a management plan.

The owner or possessor shall ensure the management of the monument pursuant to the proclamation act of the monument directly, or through committing it to the care of a manager.

All monuments which are protected on the basis of international treaties to which the Republic of Slovenia is a signatory, as well as all sites, shall have the manager. The proclamation act may provide for a manager also for other monuments.

The body which has issued the proclamation act may, pursuant to the act on the proclamation of the site, directly manage the monument area by itself in an administrative unit established by a public institute for such a purpose; commit the management to the public institute which is established with the purpose of managing monuments and monument areas; or commit the management to a natural or legal person on the basis of regulations governing public-private partnership. 

If the manager invests his own funds in the restoration and maintenance of the monument, and takes on other burdens and risks, the body which issued the proclamation act may conclude a concession contract on management with such manager, for a time period proportionate to the financial contribution and risks of the manager.

Applies for SKD:

  • Historical site and monument activities S91.220

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.