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Manufacture of explosives (20.510)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement and pursue of an activity are established. 


Regulations and conditions:


  • Explosive Substances and Pyrotechnic Products Act

A legal entity or an entrepreneur may start the production or placing on the market of pyrotechnic articles after obtaining an authorisation from the Ministry or from the competent authority. An authorisation for the manufacture of explosives may be limited in time, and in the authorisation for the production or placing on the market the Ministry may set additional conditions if necessary for the protection of life, health and property, or in order to ensure environmental protection and public order.

Authorisation to purchase and transfer explosives or pyrotechnic articles of category 3 which can be used only by expert personnel, as well as categories 4, T2 and P2, in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia is issued by the competent authority to a legal entity or an entrepreneur, who has been granted an authorisation for placing explosives or pyrotechnic articles on the market. Authorisation for the purchase and transfer may be issued for a single or for multiple purchases and transfers of explosives or pyrotechnic articles with a validity of up to twelve months from the date of issue.

Authorisation from the Ministry is necessary for the transfer, import, export and transit of explosives, ammunition or pyrotechnic articles in the European Union. Authorisation for transfer in the European Union and for import or export may be issued to a legal entity or an entrepreneur who has obtained the authorisation for the production or placing on the market of explosives, pyrotechnic articles or ammunition. A legal entity or an entrepreneur without an authorisation for the production or placing on the market of explosives,  pyrotechnic articles or ammunition, may only carry out transport.

Source: Ministry of the Interior


Activities/services which are classified in this sub-class of the standard classification of activities:


This class includes:

  • manufacture of propellant powders;
  • manufacture of explosives, detonators, percussion caps, pyrotechnic products, signalling flares etc.

This class also includes:

  • manufacture of matches;
  • manufacture of pyrotechnic articles designed for entertainment.
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia – Explanatory notes to the standard classification of activities – SKD 2008.pdf (1.8 MB)

Applies for SKD:

  • Manufacture of liquid biofuels C20.510

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.