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Maritime agency transactions
Maritime agency transactions are implemented by a maritime agent based on a concluded contract on maritime agency with the contracting authority. The contracting authority is a client, in the name and for the account of which a maritime agent performs services.
Maritime agency transactions encompass transactions in connection with the provision, representation and other services in relation to navigation and use of ships such as:
- acceptance and sending of ships,
- marketing,
- concluding contracts on the use of ships and equipment,
- purchase and sale of ships and equipment,
- construction and repairs of ships and equipment, concluding transhipment and warehouse contracts,
- concluding insurance contracts,
- issuing transport and other documents,
- realising claims,
- engaging the crew and caring for the crew,
- organisation of ship supply.
Applies for SKD:
- Logistics service activities H52.250
- Other support activities for transportation H52.260
- Intermediation service activities for freight transportation H52.310
- Intermediation service activities for passenger transportation H52.320