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Medical specialist service (dental medicine)

A specialist doctor of dental medicine performs health-care service as medical practice.

A specialist doctor of dental medicine can perform health-care service in the following fields: 

  • primary, secondary and tertiary service,
  • social medicine, hygienic, epidemiological and medical-ecological activity,
  • research institutes,
  • social and special social institutes,
  • health resorts. 

Professional activity (competences): 

  • examining, establishing and treating conditions of teeth, periodontal tissues and oral cavity;
  • conservative endodontic treatment;
  • fixed and removable prosthetics;
  • treatment of conditions of oral cavity and periodontal tissues;
  • dental and ghnatic orthopaedics, children’s and preventive dentistry;
  • surgery on soft and hard oral tissues;
  • coordination and construction of correct inter-dental and
  • inter-jaw relations. 
Private dental medicine is performed by specialist doctors of dental medicine, who can be legal entities licensed by the Ministry of Health or individuals entered in the register of private practitioners.

Applies for SKD:

  • Diagnostic imaging services and medical laboratory activities R86.910
  • Nursing and midwifery activities R86.940
  • Intermediation service activities for medical, dental and other human health services R86.970
  • Other human health activities n.e.c. R86.990


  • Medical doctor is the main holder of health service.

    In the realisation of their rights, freedoms and obligations, a doctor of dental medicine specialist must always act to protect the impartiality and independence of performing a medical service and the reputation of the medical occupation.

    Doctor of dental medicine specialist is independent in adopting professional decisions. Doctor of dental medicine specialist freely selects the manner of treatment that is the most appropriate in the given circumstances.

    In performing their work, doctors of dental medicine specialists must act in accordance with scientific findings and scientifically verified methods. An employed doctor of dental medicine specialist participates in deciding on the composition of a task force for whose expert work they are responsible.

    Doctors of dental medicine specialists may perform a health-care service in accordance with their professional qualification if they have been awarded the title of Doctor of Dental Medicine with the indication of a specialisation, and fulfil further conditions determined below.

    The doctor of dental medicine specialist must have an appropriate education and qualifications, be entered in the register of medical practitioners, complete a specialisation and have the licence for independent performance of medical services in a specific field licence.


  • Registration and appropriate status form are required in order to pursue the activity.

    The activity of private medical practice may be performed by private medical doctor/specialists, dentists and dental specialists as natural persons or legal entities.


    Extract from the Business Register (AJPES) – the competent authority acquires it ex officio.

    Legal basis

  • Private medical services and private dental services can be performed by natural or legal entities.

    Private medical practitioners and dentists who are natural entities acquire the permit by entering the register of private medical practitioners, private medical practitioners and dentists (hereinafter referred to as medical practitioners) who are legal entities can apply for the permit at the Ministry of Health after being registered in the business register.

    They must fulfil the same conditions in both cases, only that legal entities do not have to fulfil the condition on working relationship.

    A medical practitioner must be registered as a private medical practitioners on the day when they start working as a private medical practitioner.

    A medical practitioner who is a natural entity, can perform medical services as a private medical practitioner if they fulfil all conditions and are entered in the register of private medical practitioners. A medical practitioner can be registered as a private medical practitioner when they have the licence for performing medical services on a certain professional area, are not employed at another employer, have not been prohibited to perform medical services or profession based on a final court judgement or have ensured appropriate premises and equipment.

    When a private medical practitioner stops performing private medical services, they must submit all medical documentation to the medical practitioner who takes over their medical services upon the consent of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia. If a private medical practitioner has not determined the entity taking over their services until the expiry of the provision of medical services, the Chamber appoints a temporary custodian of the health documentation.

    The candidate must attach the following documents to the application for the issue of the permit for performing private health-care activities

    •  confirmation on the registration of legal entity (decision of the court on the entry of the establishment of the entity in the court register),
    • confirmation that the holder of health-care activities has the required education for performing the envisaged activity and is qualified for independent work (final exam certificate, diploma, confirmation on professional exam, licence);
    • certificate of no criminal record that cannot be older than three months (confirmation that the court has not issued a final judgement to the holder of the health-care activity to prohibit the implementation of health-care services or entry into the profession);
    • legal basis for the implementation of activities with the holder of the health-care activity (employment contract or other legal basis) and the confirmation that the holder of the health-care activity is not in a working relationship;
    • confirmation that appropriate premises and equipment, and if required by the nature of work, appropriate staff are provided (land register extract on the ownership of premises, sales contract or lease contract or the contract on the use concluded with the appropriate health-care institution or other legal or natural entity);
    • operating permit for the premises where the health-care activity will be implemented (issued by the competent administrative unit) – this appendix is not necessary if option a is circled under item 2 of the application form;
    • the opinion of the competent chamber or professional association for the holder of health-care activity.

    The entry in the register of private health-care workers, which must be performed by natural entities, is performed upon the application of the individual, which must contain:

    • name and surname, date and place of birth;
    • permanent residence address (place, street and house number);
    • profession or professional education, type of health-care activity which the person wants to perform as a private health-care activity;
    • the head office or premises where the private health-care activity will be implemented - including the description of premises;
    • equipment and staff, knowledge of Slovenian or in bilingual areas, the language of the local nationality.

    The application for entry in the register of private health-care workers must contain evidence on the fulfilment of all prescribed conditions. The application for the issue of the decision on the entry in the register of private health-care workers must also contain the following documents:

    • certificate of no criminal record that cannot be older than three months (confirmation that the court has not issued a final judgement to the holder of the health-care activity to prohibit the implementation of health-care services or profession);
    • confirmation that the holder of the health-care activity is not in a working relationship – this must be submitted at the start of the implementation of the health-care activity at the latest;
    • confirmation that appropriate premises and equipment, and if required by the nature of work, appropriate staff are provided (land register extract on the ownership of premises, sales contract or lease contract or the contract on the use concluded with the appropriate health-care institution or other legal or natural entity);
    • operating permit for the premises where the health-care activity will be implemented (issued by the competent administrative unit) – this appendix is not necessary if option a is circled under item 2 of the application form;
    • the opinion of the competent chamber or professional association for the holder of the health-care activity.


  • Medical doctors and dentists working directly with patients must be insured against liability for damages that might arise from their work. The employed doctor is insured by the employer. The insurance sum is annually determined according to individual specialities by the Medical Chamber in agreement with the minister.


    Concluded liability insurance

    Legal basis

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. Prior to commencing the service, you must submit a written application to the competent authority.