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Notariat as part of the justice administration is an independent service practiced as a liberal profession.

Notarial service is performed by notaries, who are persons of public trust and meet the conditions to practice the profession of notary. Notaries are entered in the List of Notaries with the Chamber of Notaries of Slovenia.

Notary fees are determined in the Notary Tariff. 

A notary is appointed to a vacant notary post by the minister responsible for justice.

Applies for SKD:

  • Notary N69.102


  • In order to pursue the activity, the service provider must conduct prior registration. A notary may practice the activity of a notary as a liberal profession, which may be practiced individually.

    • Liberal profession:
      liberal professions are professions which require a high level of training and which are implemented personally, independently and with full personal liability. Strict educational and professional standards are characteristic of liberal professions to ensure the quality of services.

    Practitioners of liberal professions are not considered entrepreneurs. Regardless of the fact that a notary as a representative of a liberal profession practices a special type of gainful activity, he or she is not a sole trader. For taxation purposes, liberal professions are equal to all other persons pursuing activities whose income is included in personal income tax.

    Legal basis


  • The main task of notaries is drawing up  public deeds, which include notarial records, notarial minutes and notarial certificates. A public deed drawn up by a notary proves the authenticity of what it determines or confirms. At the request of a client, notaries are also authorised to draw up private deeds and represent clients in non-contentious proceedings before courts and in unquestionable cases before other state authorities if cases are directly related to a notarial deed drawn up by a notary.

    A notary as an impartial and objective legal adviser gives conscientious and fair advice to all participants in a legal transaction on the right way to attain their goals. A notary must protect confidential information on persons, facts and legal relationships as a secret.

    A notary may be a person who is appointed to a vacant notarial post by the minister responsible for justice and is entered in the List of Notaries with the Chamber of Notaries of Slovenia.


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.