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Other construction installation (43.290)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement of an activity are established.

Regulations and conditions:

  • Small business Act - ObrZ

If the activity is carried out as a craft, it is necessary to obtain a crafts licence, fulfil the requirement of adequate professional qualifications, and register in the Crafts Register at the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia.

This applies to the following activities/services:

  • construction installation:
    • elevators, escalators (including repair and maintenance),
    • automatic self-closing doors,
    • lightning conductors,
    • thermal and acoustic insulation.

Source: Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

  • Building Act

Contractors wishing to carry out construction activities must fulfil the following requirements:

  • take out liability insurance for damages referring to the performance of their activities
  • conclude a full-time employment contract or a part-time employment contract in special cases in accordance with the act governing employment relationships with at least one employee who meets the requirements for works manager.

Source: Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy

    • For activities listed on the List of activities usually carried out as a craft

Business persons that carry out a business activity as a craft registered in the Business Register are simultaneously registered, ex officio, in the Crafts Register at the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia (OZS).

This applies to the following activities/services:

  • installation of lines and equipment (n.e.c) in buildings and other structures:
    • blinds,
    • vacuum cleaning systems, fences

Source: Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

Activities/services which are classified in this subclass of the standard classification of activities: 

Activities/services according to explanations to the standard classification of activities:

This includes:

  • installation of lines and equipment (n.e.c) in buildings and other structures:
    • elevators, escalators (including repair and maintenance),
    • automatic self-closing doors,
    • lightning conductors,
    • blinds,
    • vacuum cleaning systems,
    • railings,
    • thermal and acoustic insulation.

Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Activities/services added under the questions and answers table (SURS):

  • Installation of exterior built-in roller blinds/shades;
  • installing home and video entry systems as part of the access control system;
  • installation of metal railings at construction facilities and outside of buildings;
  • installation of automatic self-closing doors;
  • installation, maintenance and repair of elevators in office buildings and other buildings;
  • installation of protective foils on glass/windows of buildings;
  • installation of an access/approach control system (if this is not the installation of burglar alarm systems, the installation of the central control system, the access control system (including card readers, network equipment, including the adjustment/set-up of parameters within the existing software that is an integral part of installation, is classified under 43.290 Other construction installation);
  • replacement of the automatic system for shades;
  • insulating pipes;
  • installing thermal and noise insulation;
  • installing conveyors (if construction works are necessary for the installation of conveyors, these works are classified under SCA 43.290, otherwise this installation is classified under 33.200).

Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


Applies for SKD:

  • Other construction installation F43.240

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. Prior to commencing the service, you must submit a written application to the competent authority.

Foreign contractors established in a Contracting State wishing to perform construction activities in the Republic of Slovenia may perform these activities in all legal forms, provided that:

  • they meet the requirements for lawful performance of these activities in the country of establishment
  • have taken out liability insurance for damages  
  • have secured the participation (employment not necessary) of a works manager according to the structure

Before starting temporary carrying out of an activity as a craft the provider shall file an application for registration with the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia.