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Other human health activities (86.909)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement and pursuit of an activity are established. 

Regulations and conditions:

Health Services Act

Health services may be performed by legal entities and natural persons that fulfil the prescribed conditions.

The conditions for acquiring a permit or decision on entry in the register include appropriate education, appropriate premises and equipment.

The permit for a legal entity is issued by the Ministry of Health.

The conditions for appropriate staff are prescribed:

Source: Ministry of Health

  • Medical Practitioners Act

    A medical practitioner may perform medical services if they fulfil all conditions and are entered in the register of private medical practitioners. The decision on the entry in the register of medical practitioners and dentists is issued by the Medical Chamber of Slovenia.

    Source: Ministry of Health

Activities/services which are classified in this sub-class of the standard classification of activities:

Activities/services according to explanations of the standard classification of activities:

This sub-class comprises activities for human health which are not performed in hospitals and not by medical practitioners, but by other health professionals qualified to work with patients (midwives, physical therapists, psychotherapists etc.). The activities can be implemented in health-care clinics (except hospitals), private medical offices, at patients’ homes etc.

This entails:

  • health care,
  • midwives’ activity,
  • physical therapy and medical massage,
  • occupational therapy,
  • optometrics,
  • logopaedics,
  • diethetics,
  • psychotherapy,
  • dental hygiene activity,
  • medical laboratories and radiology laboratories,
  • blood, sperm and organ banks,
  • rescue stations activity,
  • rescue transport by car,
  • aircraft,
  • helicopter or other vehicle,
  • with or without professional health staff.

Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Activities/services added to the questions and answers table (SURS):

  • reflex therapy;
  • medical massages;
  • sport psychology (if this involves education on sport psychology, the service is categorised under 85.590; if it involves the services of psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists (other authorised health workers except doctors), services are categorised under 86.909);
  • kinesiology;
  • physical therapy;
  • human DNA laboratory analysis;
  • psychotherapy;
  • hyperbaric chamber treatment (86.909 Other health activities; the ZZZS covers hyperbaric chamber treatment costs (insurance) if the need for treatment is established for the insured person);
  • taking blood for police needs;
  • psychological counselling;
  • dental technician services;
  • family relation therapy;
  • MRI - magnet resonance imaging service without explanation;
  • dental assistant – services;
  • dietary therapy;
  • behavioural psychotherapy;
  • health pedicure or diabetic food pedicure;
  • stem cell storage taken from the umbilical cord), for the purposes and needs of potential future treatment (the stem cell storage service is included under 86.909 activity code: Other health activities);
  • manual medicine (therapeutic massage);
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Applies for SKD:

  • Other human health activities n.e.c. R86.990

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.