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Other human resources provision (78.300)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement and pursuit of an activity are established. .

Regulations and conditions:

  • Labour Market Regulation Act

  • Employment Agency

    Based on the fourth paragraph of Article 6 of the Employment and Unemployment Insurance Act, the ministry competent for labour may issue a concession authorising an organisation or employer that fulfils the staff, organisational and other conditions to perform expert work provision tasks, including the provision of temporary and occasional work to pupils and students, employment provision, the preparation of employment plans and implementing active employment policy measures.

    An organisation or employer may provide other employers with workers if these employers fulfil the staff, organisational and other conditions and if they are entered in the register of work provision agencies prior to the start of performing activities.

    The register is managed by the ministry competent for labour. Staff, organisation and other conditions for performing employment provision activities as well as performing the provision of other employers  with workers are determined in the Rules on the conditions for implementing employment agency activities.

    Services for the labour market

    At the beginning of 2012, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, based on Article 86 of Labour Market Regulation Act (ZUTD), published a tender for a concession to perform services for the labour market, based on which they granted concessions to perform services for the labour market determined by the ZUTD.

    The subject of the tender was the selection of concessionaires to perform services for the labour market, i.e. lifelong career orientation services. Within the scope of the aforementioned service, the selected concessionaires carry out various workshops whose purpose is to acquire skills for individuals to learn about their interests and competences, opportunities in their environment, decision-making, and the realisation of employment and career objectives.

    The concessions were granted for the period until 2015 for a total of 13 concessionaires in various Branch Offices of the Slovenian Employment Service. The selected concessionaires implement the service subject to the public tender, i.e. workshops for all unemployed persons and job seekers whose job is threatened.

    Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

    Activities/services which are classified in this sub-class of the standard classification of activities:

    Activities/services as per the explanatory notes to the standard classification of activities:

    This sub-class includes the provision of labour force services for long-term hire. The staff are employed at the employment agency; its work is supervised by the contracting authority.

    Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

    Activities/services added under the questions and answers table (SURS):

    • Hiring out workers to another company due to a lack of orders;
    • A business entity hires out workers to another business entity (if this involves occasional provision of labour, the contracting authority is categorised in accordance with the currently implemented activity (e.g. processing).
    Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

    Applies for SKD:

    • Temporary employment agency activities and other human resource provisions O78.200

    Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

    Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.