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Other legal activities (69.103)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement of an activity are established. 

Regulations and conditions:

  • Courts Act and the Rules on Court Experts and Certified Appraisers

Court expert opinions and results are produced by a court expert on the basis of a decree on the appointment of a court expert issued by the ministry competent for justice.

    Court appraisals are carried out by a court certified appraiser on the basis of a decree on the appointment of a court appraiser issued by the ministry competent for justice.

    Explanatory note of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS)

    With regard to the proper registration of the activities of court experts/appraisers, the following codes are to be taken into account:

  • 69.103 - for experts in the field of criminal law,
  • 71.111 - for experts in the field of architecture and landscape architecture,
  • 71.129 - for experts in the field of engineering,     
  • 74.900 - for services of court appraisers (with the exception of real estate and damage); court experts in the field of social sciences, court experts in the field of culture, and other expert testimonies by experts in non-technical fields,
  • 62.020 - for advice on computer hardware and software.

The activities of court interpreters include interpreting at hearings at the request of the court and the translation of documents. The activity is carried out by a court certified interpreter on the basis of a decree on the appointment of a court interpreter issued by the ministry competent for justice.

Source: Ministry of Justice

  • State Prosecutor Act

  • Instruction on the Settlement in Criminal Cases

A mediator is a person appointed to be a mediator under the conditions and in accordance with the procedure set forth by law, who performs the tasks of reaching settlements in accordance with the act governing criminal proceedings.

The candidate for a mediator must meet the following conditions:

  • they must be a citizen of the Republic of Slovenia or of a European Union Member State or of a member state of the European Economic Area and must have a high level of active knowledge of Slovene, and in areas with the indigenous Italian and Hungarian ethnic community, they must also have a high level of knowledge in the language of the ethnic community;
  • they must have a capacity to contract and be in a good general health condition;
  • they must have concluded at least first level higher education in the Republic of Slovenia or have finished the equal level of education abroad, recognised in accordance with the Recognition and Evaluation of Education Act;
  • they must provide a statement that, in the event that they are appointed, they will provide the equipment and facilities required and suitable for performing settlement activities;
  • that they have suitable personal qualities for performing settlement activities;
  • that they are at least 30 years old upon application.

Rules on operating of persons providing the service of documents in criminal and civil procedure

    Legal or natural entities entered into the register of authorised process servers have the backing of the minister competent for justice for the performance of the service of documents in criminal and civil procedures as authorised process servers until the signing of the agreement on the performance of service activities with a process server selected in the public procurement process.

Source: Ministry of Justice

  • Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Judicial Matters

  • In mediation programmes arising from Article 4 of this Act, mediation procedures may be carried out by mediators who have been placed on mediator lists pursuant to this Act. A person who meets the following conditions may be placed on the list:
    • a person who has a capacity to contract,
    • a person who has not been convicted of a wilful criminal act, prosecuted ex officio,
    • who has at least the education acquired by attending a first-level higher-education professional study programme,
    • who has been educated as mediator according to the programme determined by the minister competent for justice.

    Source: Ministry of Justice
  • Claim Enforcement and Security Act

  • The activity of an enforcement agent is carried out by enforcement agents appointed in accordance with this Act, and it is carried out as an independent private activity.

    Persons who meet the following conditions may be appointed as an enforcement agent:

  • they must be a citizen of the Republic of Slovenia;      
  • they must have a capacity to contract and be in good general health condition;
  • they must have concluded a 4-year secondary education programme;
  • they must have at least two years of work experience;
  • they must have passed the exam for an enforcement agent according to the programme set forth by the minister competent for justice;
  • they must actively speak Slovene;
  • they are worthy of public trust for the performance of enforcement and security with public authority;
  • they have the equipment and facilities necessary and suitable for performing enforcement and security activities;
  • they must have an insurance policy that covers their liability for damages arising from Article 285 of this Act.

    Source: Ministry of Justice

  • International Protection Act

Refugee counsellors provide support and legal aid to asylum seekers pursuant to the International Protection Act at the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia. Refugee counsellors are appointed by the Minister of Justice on the basis of a call for tender.

Persons who meet the following conditions may be appointed as a Refugee Counsellor:

  • they must be a citizen of the Republic of Slovenia, or a Member State of the European Union, or a Member State of the European Economic Area;
  • they have the capacity to contract and are medically fit;
  • they have passed the state bar examination or have a university degree in law in the Republic of Slovenia or have an equal degree obtained abroad that has been recognised in accordance with the act governing the recognition and evaluation of education and have passed the examination on the knowledge of the general administrative procedure, judicial review procedure, human rights law and international protection law;
  • speaks Slovene actively;
  • is trustworthy for performing the tasks of a refugee counsellor;
  • is younger than 70 upon application;
  • they haven’t been punished with final and binding effect for a crime that is prosecuted ex officio and for which a prison sentence of six months or a more severe sentence is prescribed;
  • they aren’t subject to criminal proceedings for a crime that is prosecuted ex officio and for which a prison sentence of six months or a more severe sentence is prescribed;
  • they aren’t employed at the ministry responsible for internal affairs or at the Police and don’t perform any other paid work for the Republic of Slovenia that would give rise to the impression that they wouldn’t be impartial in the provision of support and legal assistance.

Source: Ministry of Justice

Activities/services which are classified in this subclass of the standard classification of activities:

Activities/services according to explanations to the standard classification of activities:

This includes:

  • the activities of court enforcement agents, arbiters, court experts;
  • other legal activities.

Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Applies for SKD:

  • Other legal activities N69.109