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Other sports activities (93.190)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement and pursuit of an activity are established.

Regulations and conditions:

  • Sports Act

    Based on the second paragraph of Article 2 of the Sports Act, educational activity for children and youth who are involved in sports on an amateur basis outside the mandatory education programme.

    A professional worker in sports is the person who performs education or professional organisational work in sports. A professional worker in sports must have the appropriate professional education or a qualification determined on the list of confirmed training programmes in sports.

    Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

Regulation on subsidiary on-farm activities

A subsidiary on-farm activity may begin after the finality of the permit for the pursuit of subsidiary on-farm activity and after all conditions determined by the sector regulations for the start of pursuing an individual subsidiary activity are fulfilled.

This applies to the following activities/services:

  • animal riding

Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

  • Mountain Guides Act

    A mountain guide is a person who performs the above activity and is entered in the Directory of mountain guides at the Mountain Guides Association of Slovenia.

    Mountain guiding may be performed only by a mountain guide.

    Source: Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

  • Freshwater Fishery Act

  • Freshwater fishery is sporting fishing in inland waters. Fish may be caught only with a valid fishing permit. A fishing permit is issued by the fishery management provider for an individual fishing area.

    A permit may be purchased online:


    online purchase of fishing permits on;

    FISHING AREAS: Sava Bohinjka, Radovna, Krka, Soča, Lepena, Koritnica, Unica, Obrh, Lake Cerknica, Iščica, Sava, Ribče

Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

Activities/services which are classified in this sub-class of the standard classification of activities:

Activities/services according to explanations of the standard classification of activities:

This entails:
  •  the organisation and promotion of sports events, including sport facilities or without facilities;
  • activities of independent sports people, judges, timekeepers etc.;
  • sport league, association activity;
  • activities connected with the promotion of sporting events;
  • horse stabling activities for competition horses, accommodation services for other competition animals;
  • garaging activities for competition cars;
  • mountain guide activities connected with recreational hunting and fishing, hunting and fishing associations or activities of clubs that do not manage hunting or fishing areas;
  • this also includes:
  • training circus animals, competition horses etc.,
  • security activities, inspectors at ski centres
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Activities/services added to the questions and answers table (SURS):

  • adrenaline park services;
  • rafting;
  • river kayaking;
  • professional diving;
  • paragliding;
  • tandem paragliding;
  • organisation of sports and recreational competitions;
  • ski inspectors (inspectors and ski guards are categorised under 93.190 Other sports activities), competition judging (if judging services are excluded and charged separately: 93.190;
  • if the activity is performed in a club and judging is implemented within the competition organisation: 93.120).
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Applies for SKD:

  • Sports activities n.e.c. S93.190