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Informative Notice

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Patent representation

In certain proceedings before the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (hereinafter: the Office) parties may be represented by patent representatives. Patent representatives may be natural or legal persons entered in the respective Register of Patent Representatives kept by the Office.

A patent shall be granted for any invention from any technical field that is new in terms of innovation and is industrially applicable. Patent representatives are, as a rule, legal professionals who are also experts in a technical or scientific field.

Patent representatives represent the parties to proceedings relating to the acquisition, maintenance and other requirements in connection with patents, supplementary protection certificates, designs, trade marks and geographical indications for non-food products. Subject to compliance with the conditions laid down by the regulations governing representation before the courts and other state authorities, the patent representatives may, in proceedings relating to rights under the Industrial Property Act (ZIL-1), also represent parties before the courts and other state authorities.

Patent representatives may be:

  • Persons who have a university degree in a technical or scientific field and have passed the patent representative examination before the Office;
  • Attorneys or law firms employing a person who has a university degree in a technical or scientific field and has passed the patent representative examination before the Office or have a contract concluded with the Office;
  • Legal persons employing at least one person who has a university degree in a technical or scientific field and has passed the patent representative examination before the Office.

Applies for SKD:

  • Court bailiffs, arbiters and court experts N69.103
  • Other legal activities N69.109


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.