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Post-secondary non-tertiary education (85.320)
There is no information on the prescribed entry conditions for the activities/services of this sub-class. The content is still being prepared. |
Activities/services which are classified in this sub-class of the standard classification of activities:
Activities/services in accordance with the explanatory notes to the standard classification of activities: The name and explanation of the category 85.41 Post-secondary non-tertiary education are derived from the original English text NACE REV. 2 without special adjustments. The text states that the category "85.41 Post-secondary non-tertiary" includes the activities of institutions which carry out the programmes of category/level 4. Post-secondary non-tertiary education (ISCED 1997). Category/level 4 (ISCED 1997) in Slovenia classifies very few programmes, mostly those which enable the participants to continue the completed secondary education another way, which is otherwise finished with programmes, typical for level 3 (ISCED 1997). The programmes classified as level 4 in Slovenia (ISCED 1997) are carried out by:
Slovenian educational system has not hitherto had any programmes which would be intentionally designed as supplementary post-secondary education – preparation for entering into tertiary education. A greater scope of such programmes is present in some other countries. There these programmes present the majority of category/level 4 (ISCED 1997). Based only on the previous structure of the Slovenian education system and with the existing Slovenian practice of classifying programmes in category/level 4 Post-secondary non-tertiary education (ISCED 1997), class "85.41 Post-secondary non-tertiary education" in NACE Rev. 2 for Slovenia would be uncharacteristic or unnecessary. In the Slovenian text NACE Rev. 2 we kept this category due to classification structure consistency as well as the likelihood that this category would eventually also become more relevant for Slovenia (further development of the Slovenian education system and/or any changes to the existing Slovenian practice of classifying programmes pursuant to ISCED 1997). This class includes:
Applies for SKD:
- Vocational secondary education Q85.320