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Pre-primary education (85.100)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement and pursue of an activity are established.

Regulations and conditions:

  • Organisation and Financing of Education Act

  • Schools carrying out state-approved educational programmes and kindergartens carrying out programmes for pre-school children may commence their activities of education after being entered in the register managed by the ministry competent for pre-school education or education.
    A kindergarten or school is entered in the register if the conditions determined for premises and equipment are ensured, if they have valid programme and if they attach the statement that the condition referring to ensuring professional staff with required education will be fulfilled until the start of the activity.
    Private kindergartens and schools carrying out programmes which apply special pedagogical principles must comply with conditions determined for premises in public kindergarten or school.
    A private pre-school teacher must fulfil the same conditions as an assistant to a pre-school teacher or a pre-school teacher.
    Professional workers must have active knowledge of Slovenian written language; appropriate education stipulated by the above mentioned act and other regulations and passed professional examination in accordance with the above mentioned act.
    Professional workers in a primary school are:
  • Assistant to preschool teacher,
  • Preschool teacher,
  • Counsellor in education,
  • Organiser in education.
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
  • Pre-School Institutions Act

  • A natural person may be perform the activity of care for pre-school children, which does not include valid public programme implementation, as a guardian of pre-school children, if this person is entered in the register at the Ministry responsible for pre-school education.

    A guardian of pre-school children is entered in the register, if the following conditions are met:

  • has completed at least upper secondary professional or general education programme with additional professional qualifications and/or meets the conditions for a professional worker in the field of education and training;
  • has not been convicted res judicata of a sexual offence or of a premeditated criminal offence which is prosecuted ex officio and for which a prison sentence of more than six months is provided for.
  • Useful links:

  • Obtaining the status of guardian at home
  • How to establish a private kindergarten?
  • Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

Activities/services which are classified in this sub-class of the standard classification of activities:

Activities/services in accordance with the explanatory notes to the standard classification of activities:

This class includes:
  • pre-primary education and education of children in kindergartens until entry in primary school.

This class also includes:

  • education and care of children with special needs.

Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


Applies for SKD:

  • Pre-primary education Q85.100

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.