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Primary education (85.200)
This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement and pursuit of an activity are established. |
Regulations and conditions:
Schools carrying out state-approved educational programmes and kindergartens carrying out programmes for pre-school children may commence their activities of education after being entered in the register managed by the ministry competent for pre-school education or education. A kindergarten or school is entered in the register if the conditions determined for premises and equipment are ensured, if they have a valid programme and if they attach a statement that the condition referring to ensuring professional staff with the required education will be fulfilled before the start of the activity. Private schools carrying out state-approved programmes, and private kindergartens which carry out programmes for pre-school children, must comply with the conditions determined for premises in public kindergarten or school. Private kindergartens and schools carrying out programmes which apply special pedagogical principles must comply with the conditions determined for premises in public kindergarten or school. Educational and other professional work in a public kindergarten or school is performed by pre-school teachers, their assistants, teachers, higher school lecturers, counsellors, librarians and other professional workers who cooperate with them on carrying out of expert tasks necessary for the undisturbed operations of the kindergarten or school. Professional workers must have an active knowledge of Slovenian written language; appropriate education as stipulated by the above- mentioned act and other regulations and have passed professional examination in accordance with the above-mentioned act. Tutor status; persons who may perform educational activity as tutors: Professional workers at a school are:
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport |
Activities/services which are classified in this sub-class of the standard classification of activities:
Activities/services as per the explanatory notes on the standard classification of activities: The English original of NACE Rev. 2 encompasses Class 85.20 - Primary education activities of institutions implementing programmes in categories/levels 1 Primary education or the first stage of basic education (ISCED 1997). Considering the fact that Slovenia has a so- called common single structure of primary and lower secondary education which encompasses mandatory nine-year elementary education, this category entails not only the first period of basic education (category/level 1 according to ISCED 1997), but all mandatory basic education. Sem spada osnovnošolsko izobraževanje, ki je namenjeno predvsem sistematičnemu razvoju pismenosti in numeričnih sposobnosti. Poleg področij družboslovja ter naravoslovja in tehnike, ki v začetku še nista diferencirani, sta zastopani tudi področji umetnosti in športa. V predmetni stopnji osemletnega osnovnega izobraževanja oziroma tretjem triletju devetletnega osnovnega izobraževanja je vsebina bolj diferencirana; poučujejo predmetni učitelji. Sem spada izobraževanje, ki se izvaja po javno veljavnih programih osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. Vključeno je osemletno obvezno izobraževanje, ki se bo izteklo v šolskem letu 2007/2008 in izobraževanje, ki poteka po programu devetletne osnovne šole in se bo v celoti uveljavilo v šolskem letu 2008/2009. Sem spada tudi:
Applies for SKD:
- Primary education Q85.200