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Private kindergartens and schools with state-approved programmes, which apply special pedagogical principles
- ensuring the optimal development of the individual regardless of gender, social and cultural origin, religion, race, ethnicity and nationality and physical and spiritual constitution or disability;
- educating for mutual tolerance;
- developing awareness about gender equality, respecting differences and cooperation with others;
- respecting children’s and human rights and fundamental freedoms;
- developing equal opportunities for both genders and, consequently, developing abilities for life in a democratic society;
- developing linguistic capabilities and raising awareness about the position of the Slovenian language as the official language of the Republic of Slovenia and in areas defined as nationally mixed, also preserving and developing the Italian and Hungarian languages in addition to Slovenian;
- providing quality education;
- raising awareness about individual integrity;
- developing awareness about nationality and national identity and knowledge about the history of Slovenia and its culture. educational institutions develop awareness about nationality and national identity by marking national holidays, which includes the playing of the national anthem of the Republic of Slovenia and other activities. Educational institutions have a flag of the Republic of Slovenia on permanent display, while in areas populated by the Italian and Hungarian minority a flag of the particular national minority is also displayed;
- enabling inclusion in processes of European integration;
- promoting the possibility of choice at all levels of education;
- providing education that corresponds to the level of development and age of the individual;
- providing equal opportunities for education in areas with specific developmental problems;
- providing equal opportunities for the education of children from socially less favoured areas;
- providing equal opportunities for the education of children, youths and adults with special needs;
- education for sustainable development and active inclusion in democratic society, which also includes students’ deeper understanding and responsible attitude to themselves, their health, other people, their culture and other people's cultures, the natural and social environment, and future generations;
- encouraging lifelong learning; providing general education and the opportunity to acquire a profession for the entire population;
- providing the higher possible level of education to as many people as possible, while maintaining the achieved level of difficulty;
- enabling as many people as possible to develop and achieve the highest possible level of creativity.
Applies for SKD:
- Other education n.e.c. Q85.590
Applicants who wish to pursue this activity must register the business activity, and have the appropriate legal status.
The providers of publicly valid education and training programmes are entered in the register. The register is administered by the ministry competent for education.
For performing education and training, kindergartens and schools must have professional staff with prescribed education, premises and equipment determined by the minister or the chamber that is authorised by the law.
Schools and kindergartens can perform the activity of education after being entered in the register managed by the ministry competent for preschool education or education. A kindergarten or school is entered in the register if the conditions determined for premises and equipment are ensured, if they have valid programme and if they attach the statement that the condition referring to ensuring professional staff with required education will be fulfilled until the start of the activity.
The application for the entry in the register at the ministry competent for preschool education or education is submitted by the management of the kindergarten or school. The application for entry must contain:
- name and company name, head office and identification number of the founder or name and surname, birth date, residence and identification number, if the founder is a natural entity;
- name and head office of the kindergarten or school;
- number and date of the act of incorporation;
- the name of the programme implemented by the kindergarten or school;
- public validity of the programme;
- statement of the managerial authority on ensuring the fulfilment of spatial, staff and equipment conditions of the statement by the management that the condition referring to ensuring professional staff with required education will be fulfilled until the start of the activity.
The management of the kindergarten or school is responsible for the truthfulness of data and statements under criminal and damage liability. If there is doubt on ensuring the conditions, the ministry can request the submission of additional evidence on ensuring the conditions for the implementation of activities in the first year after the registration prior to making the entry in the register.
If special knowledge is required for establishing or assessing a fact and the official person doesn’t have such knowledge, the minister appoints an expert or commission that establishes whether the provider fulfils the prescribed conditions for performing the education activities.
If the provider fulfils the conditions for entry in the register, the minister issues a decision on the entry into the register.
Data changes must also be entered in the register. The provider must send any modification of data entered in the register within 30 days upon their occurrence.
The kindergarten or school is deleted from the register:
- if the publicly valid programme is terminated;
- if a final judgement was issued to prohibit the implementation of the publicly valid programme;
- upon the inspections' proposal, if the school or kindergarten does not act in accordance with the final inspection decision that refers to the provision of conditions necessary for entry in the register;
- if it ceases to exist.
The name of kindergartens and schools, except kindergartens and schools whose founder is a self-governing ethnic community, must be Slovenian.
Foreign personal names that are part of the name of a kindergarten or school are written in accordance with Slovenian spelling, or with Italian or Hungarian spelling if it involves the name of a kindergarten and school whose founder is a self-governing ethnic community.
In addition to the aforementioned information, the name of a private kindergarten or school must also include a mark that the kindergarten or school is private.
Legal basis
Education in kindergartens and schools is carried out in Slovenian.
In areas where Slovenians and members of the Italian ethnic community live, and which are defined as ethnically mixed areas, also kindergartens and schools are established where education is carried out in Italian (kindergartens and schools in the language of the ethnic community) pursuant to this Act and a special act.
In areas where Slovenians and members of the Hungarian ethnic community live, and which are defined as ethnically mixed areas, bilingual kindergartens and schools are established where education is carried out in Slovenian and Hungarian (bilingual kindergartens and schools) pursuant to this Act and a special act.
Legal basis
Schools and kindergartens must have a seal.
The content and shape of seals of private kindergartens and schools are determined in their Articles of Association.
Legal basis
Private schools use textbooks approved by the competent expert council for compulsory subjects determined by law.
Legal basis
Schools include libraries. Libraries collect library material, but also carry out professional processing, representation and lending, and IT and documentary work as elements of educational work in schools.
Textbook funds may be established within libraries. Funds for pupils, apprentices and students who cannot pay the contribution for lending textbooks from textbook funds due to their social position are provided by the State.
Legal basis
Private schools which carry out state-approved programmes of elementary education, elementary music education, secondary vocational and professional education, and grammar schools are entitled to funds from the national budget or a local community budget if they meet the following conditions:
- that music schools with music educational programme carry out lessons in at least three instruments played in the orchestra and has at least 35 students;
- that they have employees or teachers provided in another manner required for the implementation of state-approved programmes in accordance with the law and other regulations.
For the implementation of their programme, private schools are granted 85 per cent of funds allocated for the implementation of the programme in public schools by the State or a local community. Private schools are not entitled to funds for investments, investment maintenance and equipment.
Private schools may participate in competitions for teaching equipment and aids intended for public schools.
Legal basis
Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity
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