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Providing professional training in the fisheries sector
A public authorisation is issued for the performance of the professional training for workers in the fisheries sector (head of fisheries holding, electrofishing provider, fishery keeper, and fish farmer) on the basis of a public tender.
In Slovenia, professional training is prepared and performed and certificates concerning successfully passed tests for heads of fisheries holdings, electrofishing providers and fishery keepers are issued on the basis of a public authorisation by the Fishing Association of Slovenia, and by the Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia for fish farmers.
As the holder of a public authorisation for performing training for heads of fisheries holdings, electrofishing providers, and fishery keepers, the Fishing Association of Slovenia must carry out the following tasks:
- prepares and carries our annual fishermen training programmes, tests their knowledge, and issues certificates for fishermen;
- prepares and organises professional training for female workers or male workers performing the tasks of heads of fisheries holdings, electrofishing
- providers, and fishery keepers\
- carries out training programmes, tests knowledge, and issues qualification certificates\
- keeps records concerning performed tasks and annually reports with regard to this to the Fishing Association of Slovenia.
Professional training programmes are prescribed by a competent authority upon the recommendation of the Fishing Association of Slovenia and the Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia.
The content and the manner of taking exams is set forth by a competent authority. The professional examination consists of a written and an oral part as well as of practical training completed before an exam commission with three members. The exam commission is appointed by a competent authority.
Applies for SKD:
- Other education n.e.c. Q85.590
A public authorisation for professional training in fishery is granted based on the public tender.
A public authorisation is granted for implementing professional training. It is allocated by the competent authority to the legal or natural entity who fulfils the following conditions:
- they must operate on the area of the entire country;
- they must have appropriately trained staff for implementing public authorisation;
- they must have the necessary infrastructure for effective implementation of public authorisations;
- they must submit a cost calculation for the implementation of public authorisations.
Based on the public tender, a candidate submits a written application to the competent ministry. After the competent authority inspects the administrative aspect and the content of the application, they issue a decision in the administrative procedure. Mutual relations between the competent authority and the holder of the public authorisation are subsequently determined in the contract.
The public authorisation is withdrawn if the holder of the public authorisation does not fulfil the prescribed conditions or if the act in opposition with the regulations or concluded contract.