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Provision of work to the user
The provision of work to the user is each provision of work by a legal or natural person, with whom the worker has concluded an employment contract, the user where the worker performs supervised work and in accordance with the instructions of the user or mostly uses means to perform work which are part of the user's work process.
Employer who provides work to the user, is each legal or natural entity that concludes contracts on employment with workers for providing their work to the user or who obtains the permit for the performance of activity and is entered at the ministry competent for labour in the register of local legal and natural entities for performing the activity of the provision of work to the user or in the register of foreign legal and natural entities for performing the activity of providing work to the user. The employer for providing work can refer to the conditions determined by the user in the determination of the conditions for performing work.
The posted worker is a worker who has a concluded employment contract with the employer for the provision of work and whose work is guaranteed by the employer that provides work to the user, where the worker is temporarily working.
Applies for SKD:
- Temporary employment agency activities and other human resource provisions O78.200
Applicants who wish to pursue this activity must register the business activity, and have the appropriate legal status.
Prior to the initiation of the performance of activities, the employer acquires the permit issued by the ministry competent for labour. For the provision of work, the employer who obtains the permit for the implementation of activities is entered in the register.
An employer who has obtained the permit for the provision of work and is entered in the register can perform the activity for the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and foreigners who have personal work permits or the right to free access to the Slovenian labour market.
A legal or natural person with head office on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia who wants to perform the activity, lodges and application for the issue of the permit and for the entry in the register at the ministry competent for labour, the latter decides on the application according to the rules on general administrative procedure. The application must contain the evidence on fulfilling the conditions that cannot be obtained ex officio.
The entry in the register is performed on the day when the decision issued by the ministry competent for labour becomes final. The ministry competent for labour issues a confirmation on the entry in the register to the employer for the provision of work. The contractor can start performing the activity on the date of entry in the register.
The register contains the following data on the employer for the provision of work:
- registration number;
- company name and head office;
- data on business authority, representation and scope of authorisations;
- the number of decision on the entry in the register;
- address where the activity is performed.