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Radiation activities in healthcare and veterinary medicine
Anybody performing an activity involving exposure to ionizing radiation (a radiation practice) must comply with legislative requirements.
Radiation protection measures, practical implementation of measures and obligations of persons carrying out a radiation practice and persons using radiation sources are defined in detail by radiation protection legislation.
Licensing of practices that involve radiological procedures in health or veterinary care is in the competence of Slovenian Radiation Protection Administration.
Licensing of other radiation practices is in the competence of Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration.
Applies for SKD:
- Hospital activities Q86.100
- General medical practice activities R86.210
- Medical specialists activities R86.220
- Dental practice care activities R86.230
- Diagnostic imaging services and medical laboratory activities R86.910
- Patient transportation by ambulance R86.920
- Activities of psychologists and psychotherapists, except medical doctors R86.930
- Nursing and midwifery activities R86.940
- Physiotherapy activities R86.950
- Intermediation service activities for medical, dental and other human health services R86.970