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Radioactivity monitoring

The radioactivity monitoring encompasses permanent and occasional measurement:



  • of radioactivity in ambient air,
  • ambient gamma radiation,
  • the content of radionuclides in surface waters and underground water,
  • radioactivity of soil and precipitation,
  • radioactivity of fodder, drinking water, foodstuffs and individual products,
  • radioactivity of shipments of waste metals.

Radioactivity operational monitoring entails:

  • emission monitoring of radioactivity of radiation or nuclear facility including the monitoring of permitted emissions of waste radioactive substances in the environment and
  • emission monitoring of radioactivity, monitoring of radioactivity of foodstuffs and fodder as a result of burdens in the environment caused by the radiation of radioactive or nuclear facility.

Extraordinary radioactivity monitoring is the monitoring of environmental radioactivity that emerges due to the release of radioactive substances at extraordinary events.

The provider of radioactivity monitoring, the entity obliged for operational or extraordinary radioactivity monitoring that implements the monitoring of emissions, and the entity that measures the radioactivity of shipments of secondary metal materials must have the authorisation of the competent authority to implement this activity.




Applies for SKD:

  • Technical testing and analysis N71.200

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. You may start performing it after acquisition of a specific permit from Competent authority.