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Railway passenger transport

Passenger transport is ensured by the state as a public asset through public utility services.

Railway passenger transport in Slovenia is implemented by the company Slovenske železnice d.o.o.

Passenger transporter must acquire a licence to pursue transport services, safety certificate and train route. 

  • Internal railway passenger transport

Internal railway passenger transport includes transport services including the starting and final stations on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. Transport is performed by public railway infrastructure as is determined by the adopted passenger transport timetable. A timetable is a technological plan of the transporter for a specific period that is prepared based on the timetable of the network of the competent authority and entails the data on all planned routes of trains and rail vehicles in the railway network during the validity of the timetable.

In internal passenger transport, trains ride on transport route including the starting and final stations on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

  • Cross-border regional passenger transport

Cross-border regional passenger transport includes transport services on public railway infrastructure on medium long distances as is determined by the adopted timetable for international passenger transport.

International trains ride in the cross-border regional railway passenger transport, i.e. on the transport route including the starting and/or final station on the territory outside the Republic of Slovenia.

Applies for SKD:

  • Passenger heavy rail transport H49.110
  • Other passenger rail transport H49.120