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Remediation activities and other waste management services (39.000)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement and pursuit of an activity are established.


Regulations and conditions:


  •  Decree on waste

     Entry in the register of waste collectors

    Collectors may collect waste if they have a certificate of entry in the register of waste collectors managed by the ministry within the framework of the register of persons with a certificate to implement environment protection activity as per the act on environment protection.

        The certificate of entry as per the preceding paragraph is issued to a legal entity or sole entrepreneur that:
    • is registered in the Republic of Slovenia to perform waste collection and removal activities in accordance with the regulation on the classification of activities;
    • disposes of one or several waste collection centres that fulfil the conditions in the first paragraph of Article 10 of this Decree and the requirements determined by the regulations on the collection of an individual type of waste;
    • disposes of means and equipment for the takeover of waste and their transport;
    • has a waste collection plan ensuring the collection of waste in accordance with the requirements of this Decree and in accordance with the regulation on the collection of an individual type of waste if it involves the collection of such waste, and
    • has not been removed from the register of waste collectors in the two years prior to the date of lodging a request based on items 3, 5 or 6 of the third paragraph of Article 33 of this Decree.

    Source: Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy
  • Environmental Protection Act

The discharger, who must obtain an environmental permit as per the provisions of Articles 68 or 86 of this Act, must employ, or contract the services of, at least one person responsible for the implementation of environment protection tasks (hereinafter: environmental protection officer).

The tasks of the environmental protection officer include in particular:

  • informing and advising the discharger about the prescribed environment protection measures relating to the implementation of the activity,
  • providing opinions and proposals to the discharger about measures to reduce or prevent burdening of the environment,
  • participation in the introduction of less harmful procedures, technologies and products,
  • monitoring and responsibility for implementing prescribed environment protection measures relating to the implementation of the activity and reporting about established deficiencies to the discharger,
  • provision of data to the public about the burdening of the environment as per this Act,
  • informing staff about the harmful effects of devices or the facility on the environment and measures for their prevention or reduction,
  • cooperation with persons responsible for safety and health at work, fire safety and advisers on chemicals,
  • participation in the preparation of protection and rescue plans according to the regulations on protection against natural and other disasters, and
  • other tasks of environment protection as per the authorisations of the discharger.
Source: Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy


Activities/services which are classified in this sub-class of the standard classification of activities:


Activities/services according to the explanatory notes on the standard classification of activities:

This include: 


  • decontamination and cleaning of contaminated soil and groundwater at the site of contamination or elsewhere by means of mechanical, chemical and biological methods;
  • decontamination and cleaning of industrial facilities, including nuclear power plants;
  • decontamination and cleaning of polluted surface water by means of mechanical and chemical methods;
  • limiting and cleaning of oil spills at sea or on land;   
  • removal of asbestos, lead paints and other hazardous construction materials;
  • other specialised pollution-control activities.

These also include:


  • mine clearance, including blasting.

Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Activities/services added under the questions and answers table (SURS):

  • Water removal, e.g. during floods from buildings or elsewhere.
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Applies for SKD:

  • Remediation activities and other waste management service activities E39.000

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.