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Renting and leasing of water transport equipment (77.340)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement and pursuit of an activity are established. 


Regulations and conditions:


    • Protection against Drowning Act

To rent boats and other floating devices, the provider must acquire the permit from the Slovenian Maritime Administration and ensure the following staff:

    • boat rental provider,
    • lifeguard

Source: Ministry of Defence


Activities/services which are classified in this sub-class of the standard classification of activities:


Activities/services according to explanations of the standard classification of activities:

This includes:

  • renting and leasing vessels such as passenger and fishing ships, ferryboats, hydrofoils, tankers, cargo ships, without a crew.
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Applies for SKD:

  • Rental and leasing of water transport equipment O77.340

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.