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Repopulation and introduction of non-indigenous plants or animals

The introduction means the entry of plants or animals in an ecosystem where plants or animals of particular species have not been present. The repopulation is the entry of plants or animals in an ecosystem where the animals and plants of particular species area already living.

Introducing non-indigenous plants or animals is prohibited. With exception, the ministry competent for nature conservation can allow the introduction of non-indigenous plants or animals if they establish during the risk assessment procedure that the intervention in the nature will not endanger natural balance or the elements of biodiversity. The repopulation non-indigenous plants or animals must be monitored and supervised. A natural or legal entity must notify the ministry competent for nature conservation on the planned repopulation, and they can prohibit the repopulation of non-indigenous species based on the risk assessment for nature.


Applies for SKD:

  • Botanical and zoological garden activities S91.410
  • Nature reserve activities S91.420