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Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and substance abuse (87.200)

 This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement and pursuit of an activity are established.

Regulations and conditions:

Social Care act 

Social care services which are determined as a public service may be performed by legal entities and natural persons within the scope of the public network on the basis of a concession acquired through public tender. The concession for institutional care is granted by the ministry competent for social protection. Social services provided outside the network of public social service may be provided by legal entities and natural persons, who must acquire a permit from the ministry responsible for social protection.

The network of services providers is determined in the Resolution on the National Social Assistance Programme (NPSV) for the 2013 to 2020 period. The state establishes public institutions; the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities grants the work permit in accordance with the framework goals of the NPSV and when the conditions are fulfilled. The concession and work permit are not granted if the social care centre performs individual services based on a contract concluded with the MDDSZ, since the service is free of charge for users in such a case.

A provider of services that acquires a concession performs the service within the public service network – they conclude a contract with the ZZZS to implement health care and health protection services; the provider concludes a contract with the doctor in the appropriate health institution based on norms in health care. The costs of health care are also covered by the ZZZS. The costs of a service provider who implements the service based on a work permit, i.e. outside the public services network for health care and health protection are not covered separately by the ZZZS.

The conditions are prescribed for appropriate staff:

  • professional worker,
  • professional co-workers,
  • lay worker.

Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities 

Activities/services which are classified in this sub-class of the standard classification of activities:

Activities/services according to explanations of the standard classification of activities

This includes:
  • the activity of institutions, homes and other daily care institutions and institutions for the care and protection of persons who require assistance, where health care or education are not the primary service/activity:
  • mentally disabled and emotionally disturbed children and youth,
  • residential communities for persons with disabilities in mental development,
  • therapeutic communities for addicts.

This also encompasses:

  • rehabilitation institutions (without treatment) for drug addicts
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

    Applies for SKD:

    • Residential care activities for persons living with or having a diagnosis of a mental illness or substance abuse R87.200