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Restaurants and inns (56.101)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement of an activity are established. 


Regulations and conditions:


  • Hospitality Act

  • Hospitality activities can be carried out by legal entities and sole traders registered for performing hospitality activities as well as associations with hospitality activities set forth in their founding act, if they fulfil legal  conditions.
    Hospitality activities can be carried out in the scope set forth under this act by accommodation providers and farmers as well as natural entities if the following conditions set forth by law are fulfilled:
  • minimum technical conditions that relate to business premises, equipment and devices in hospitality facilities, at accommodation providers and on farms, outdoor area conditions (functional land and other outdoor areas);
  • the conditions for executing hospitality activities outside the hospitality facility;
  • the conditions with regard to the minimum services in individual types of hospitality facilities, at accommodation providers and on farms;
  • conditions referring to the criteria and type of accommodation categorisation, premises for guests at accommodation providers and on farms that provide accommodation, as well as marinas;
  • the conditions with regard to providing the safety of food, health and safety at work.
Source: Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
  • Small Business Act

    For activities listed on the List of activities usually carried out as a craft, business entities registering these activities must also enter in the register of crafts at the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia (OZS) ex officio.

    This applies for the following  activities/services:


    • the preparation and sale of food and drinks in the restaurant, accompanied by an entertainment programme:
    • at restaurants,
    • pizzerias,
    • restaurants with national cuisines,
    • restaurant carriages, ship restaurants etc., if they operate as independent units;

    Source: Ministry of Economic Development and Technology


Dejavnosti/storitve, ki so uvrščene v ta SKD podrazred:



Activities/services added under the questions and answers table (SURS):

  • Mobile services of preparing and serving food and drinks;
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Applies for SKD:

  • Inns and restaurants I56.111

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. Prior to commencing the service, you must submit a written application to the competent authority.

The provider that is established and meets the conditions for the pursuit of craft activities in the EU Member States, EEA or the Swiss Confederation, may occasionally carry out craft activity without establishment in the Republic of Slovenia. Before the first pursuit of an activity, the provider must lodge an application with the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia.