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State portal for business entities

Informative Notice

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Retail of plant protection products

The trade in plant protection products (PPP) may be conducted by distributors which have a permit to conduct the retail of PPS and are entered in the register kept by the by a competent authority and fulfil other prescribed conditions.

Only those plant protection products may be placed on the market and used in the Republic of Slovenia which have:

  • a decision on the registration or
  • a permit in emergencies or
  • a parallel trade permit or
  • a research and development permit.

To pursue the trade activity, a retailer must manage data on merchandise, suitably determine opening hours, meet the minimum technical and spatial conditions, and employ at least one commercial manager and one salesperson.

During the sale period, a retailer must provide a mandatory presence of a salesperson and advisor in the field of PPP, keep records and adhere to the prohibition of selling PPP to persons without an adequate training and observe the prohibition of selling very toxic PPP.

In pursuing the activity, the trader must provide a regular verification of measurements – scales used to charge his services.

Applies for SKD:

  • Retail sale of gardening material, pet animals and pet food G47.762
  • Intermediation service activities for specialised retail sale G47.920


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. You may start performing it after acquisition of a specific permit from Competent authority.